I hissed in pain as the Rit Zen fixed a bandage.
"Careful there. I did just fight an evil archangel."
"My apologies." The angel mumbled.
Soon I was all patched up. I picked at the bandages in irritation. They were uncomfortable, but my wounds would take a little longer to heal. I walked into the square at the gates, where the others had gathered, along with other angels. Joshua was the first to approach me.
"No more stabbing, right?"
"Please don't remind me."
"I knew there was more to this." Anna said.
"We're just glad that you're finally home." Michael said.
"Not all of us." Raphael grumbled, even though he begrudgingly showed up.
"There's a reason I called you all here."
I snapped my fingers, making Carver appear beside me with a large tablet in hand.
"This is the word of God. Carver, what does it say about me?"
"And she will be the hero of Heaven under guise of the villian of Hell. I'm paraphrasing here, it's kinda complicated."
"And Michael?"
"He will be her love and motivating force and a good son."
"He will be the one to show her what is right."
"She will be the on the show the hero what she must fight for."
"Anna and Joshua?"
"They will show her Heaven is not an enemy."
"He will be the one to push her to take action."
"And he will be the fallen son."
"God knew all of this would happen. He wrote it down and hid it away. This was our fate. God left because of this. It may not have been his only reason, we'll never know, but it was one of the reasons. But that is over. We are free to write our own stories. There are no more stings on us."
"So we just continue on?" Joshua questioned.
"No. You do what God intended you to do. Angels are the shepherds of the human flocks. Guide them, protect them, show them how to create a better world for themselves so that one day they may guide another. I'm certain Rachel can help you learn ways to protect them."
"You said us. Excluding yourself." Michael commented.
"Yes, I can't stay. I made many mistakes and I must repay them. There somethings I need to do before I can come home. I'm sorry, everyone. I'm not ready to call myself angel just yet. I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for a second I am one."
"You jerk, don't quote my favorite show when you're leaving!" Rachel cried, throwing her arms around me.
I patted her head as she cried against me. Anna looked on the verge of tears herself. Joshua looked sad. Even Raphael looked a little sad at the news of my departure. Michael and Gabriel looked stunned and devastated. Rachel soon dried her tears a little and let me go.
"Watch over them for me." I said to her. "Joshua, make sure to visit your brother. Anna, just be you. Gabriel, thank you for being my best friend. And Michael, it's your job to lead them now. Don't let me down."
Michael held me tight.
"I love you, Michael. Please don't ever forget that."
"You make it sound like this is a final goodbye." Michael said, his voice cracking.
"Not forever, but maybe for a while."
"Wait, Rina. Emanuel said you left this during your last visit."
Rachel handed me my engagement ring. I stared at it sparkling in the sunlight before sliding it on my finger.
"When I get back, we're planning that wedding. I know Aphrodite would love to plan it."
"Don't make me wait too long."
"Goodbye, guys. And carry on."
I sat on the same park bench I had sat on years ago. It was old and cracked now, but the park was the same as ever. People walked their pets and children played. I looked to my right, watching a boy and his dog. Then there was a fluttering of wings to my left. I smiled at the familiar presence."It's been a long time, Michael."
"It really has been. We could never find you before, so I assume you let us find you."
"Yes, I thought it was about time. Still remember our promise before I left?"
"You still want to? After all these years?"
"You still have your thing for quotes and references, seems that will never change."
"How are things in Heaven? I know some angels have been working down on earth."
"Things are different. The angels have so much more free will and things up there have advanced spectacularly. We now have wifi. We can monitor earth using a mix of electronics and magic. And angels are far more accepting of humans. They miss you, you know. Every year on the day you defeated Lucifer, they both celebrate and weep."
"I know. The humans celebrate it as something different, they can see the festivities from below. I watch along with them every year." I sighed. "I wonder how Rachel is."
"Then why don't you ask me yourself."
Rachel stood a little distance away, smiling brightly. There was a different air to her. More alive and happy. She looked like she hadn't changed a day.
A pair of dusty red wing unfolded from behind her, unseen to the humans.
"That's not possible. Humans can't become angels."
"That's not entirely true." Michael corrected. "See if you mix an angel's grace with a human soul, the soul will turn into grace."
"Rachel's....an angel now. She won't die."
"I'm also mated to Gabriel too."
I smiled, tears of happiness threatening to spill.
"Two extra sets of wings are also waiting for you at home." Michael said.
"You...made me the Seraph?"
"That was your dream, wasn't it?"
"You remember from so long ago. I only ever mentioned it once. I wanted that position because of you, now I don't even really need it. Not that I'm turning it down."
"Does this mean you're ready to come home?" Michael questioned.
"Yeah, I'm coming home."
A/N- Pretty different from my usual stuff, I know. But I hope you enjoy anyway. Sorry that it's a little late, I didn't realize I actually was doing stuff today. School is starting soon, and who knows how much time I'll have to write since I'm buckling down this year, so don't expect too many updates. Alright, love you guys, bye!

Black Wings
FantasyAngels and demons exist. Lucifer is still a good guy. And the lines between good and evil are not meant to cross. She's different. The color of her wings are unnatural and strange. Because of that, she's shunned. But she still tries to be the best a...