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Outfit on the side. This is my first ever American Horror Story fanfiction and I'm super excited. :D Thanks ForeverHis777 for the amazing cover <3

Being cramped in the back of a car is not ideal. Especially when it’s for almost twenty one and a half hours consecutively. Due to being the second eldest of our house and not being able to stand the either of the twins, I was stuck in the back with my twin, Dom. There was hardly any room in the back as it is but adding two, almost fully grown, seventeen year olds was absolute torture. I was considered petite, but Dom was the complete opposite.  

I focused on the scenery mostly, having my earbuds in the whole trip. We’d left a little after midnight two nights ago, having stayed in a motel to rest. I can’t wrap my head around why my parents want to move our entire family out to Los Angelus when we’re quite happy in Boston. Lana, the youngest, sat in her car seat; blissfully unaware of what was changing around her. 

Although she was four years old now, the diminutive child wasn’t very bright. I often associated the size of her brain to the size of her body, which wasn’t very big. For a four year old she lacked certain skills others her age show. The twins just stated that she was “dumb”, but Dom and I disagree. Dom has a theory that she’s actually more intelligent then all of us combined, but she’s just observing us silently to find out our weaknesses to later use against us. I think his theory is absolutely ridiculous but I also find it very brilliant. 

Pulling up to the house let a certain type of relief wash over me. My legs had become dead hours ago and because there was next to no room to move them I could no longer feel them, not even when I hit them. Dom and I had to wait for dad to open the back door before we could get out, and of course he decided he’d have some fun at our expense. 

He decided knocking on the glass and waving would be funny for everyone but us. Luckily mum swooped in and told him to let us out. Not to my surprise I couldn’t stand. I barely made it out of the car so I had to get mum to hold me up until I could stand on my own. As we walked up to the door I took in the sight. 

“You must be the Carters,” a woman, who mum had told us was named Marcy, said happily as she exited the house. 

“That would be us,” dad and and shook her hand. 

“Are these all your children?” she asked and looked at us. 

We all stood next to each other, except for Lana, Lana always stood at the front. We all looked at her, none of us pleased to be here, not even Lana really. This was the fifth out of five houses we’d been forced to look at and we were hoping we’d hate this one to. 

“Yes they are. The little one is Lana, these two are Joseph and Michael and the oldest two are Jean-Louise and Dom,” mum explained happily. 

“Well let me show you all around so you can see how you like it,” she said. 

“We know how it works,” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Marcy honestly seemed fake to me. She appeared to be trying to hard, like she needed to sell this house. She also seemed to fake interest. It’s the same question every time we go somewhere, are they all your kids? She must have known that there were five of us but mum mustn’t have told her that she and dad got “busy”. But maybe that was just me. My parents always did tell me I did examine people more in-depth then other people. 

“It’s the finest Queen Anne on the market. Venetian chandeliers, original mouldings. The stained glass is some of the only of it’s kind that survived the great quake. As you can see the previous owners really loved the place like a child. They restored everything,” Marcy explained as we walked through. 

“Gay?” I asked. 

“Sweetheart, it’s San Francisco, they’re all gay,” she said and all the adults laughed, Dom and I remained silent. 

The twins had run off somewhere. Probably throwing poppers around upstairs or something. Lana held mum’s hand due to mum’s growing fear we’d lose the tiny child. I mean yes she's small but she’s belittled beyond imagination. I’ve told mum before and will continue to tell her, when Lana grows up she will be dependant if this continues. 

I left the “pack” to explore on my own. I stopped when I came to the basement door. It was bolted shut. Old school bolted. Two heavy bolts and two huge padlocks. Someone doesn’t want to let anyone in -- or maybe out. I jiggled the doorknob, trying my hypothetical luck. 

“What’s down here?” I asked Marcy after the door didn’t budge. 

“No idea,” she admitted. 

“So like…what’s the story behind this place?” I asked, swinging myself around into the room the adults and Lana were in. 

“Uh, full disclosure requires me to tell you about what happened in this house…about the previous owners,” she started, worried expression settled on her face. 

“Oh God, one of them didn’t die in here, did they?” mum asked in slight horror. 

“Yes, actually. Both of them. Murder suicide. I sold them the house, too. Just the sweetest couple. You never know I guess,” she said then shrugged a little, but to me she didn’t seem to care all the much. 

“So that’s why it’s half the price of every other house in the neighbourhood,” dad said, knowing it was too good to be true. 

“I have a very nice painted lady not too far from here but you’re going to get a third of the house for twice the price if you go that way,” Marcy said, trying to push the house onto mum and dad. 

“Where did it happen?” I asked, interrupting. 

“The basement,” she answered simply. 

“We’ll take it,” I smiled, everyone staring at me. 

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now