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It was hard for me to wake up this morning. I'd been awake until four in the morning, only getting two hours of sleep before my alarm woke up. I had to wait for Dom to have a shower before I could. We were going to talk to my school about plans of action for my education. I suggested home schooling again but get shut down straight away.

Once I was finally able to shower I felt relieved. As I stood under the warm jets of water I sighed. As I was in the middle of brushing my teeth I felt something start to rise in my throat. I dropped my toothbrush and rushed out of the shower.

I fell to my knees and violently threw up into the toilet. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear after I was finished throwing up and stood up. I flushed the toilet and hopped back into the shower. I re-brushed my teeth and dried myself off before getting ready.

I had to go to my usual classes after the meeting. It had been decided that I'd be sent my work and only go to school to hand in assignments and take tests. That meant today was my last day of school.

I'd been feeling sick all day and had to go and throw up a few times during the day. I was just relieved to be home. I'd been having cramps even though my period wasn't due for two weeks and my boobs were sore for some fucked up reason. I threw my backpack onto the floor by my bedroom door and grabbed my laptop from my desk. I rubbed my boobs in annoyance and opened Google.

Why do my boobs hurt?

It was all I could think of okay? I scrolled down the suggestions and my eyes widened. I slammed my laptop lid shut and grabbed my bag again. I slammed the front door shut after I raced down the stairs.

I almost ran to the convenient store a couple of blocks away from our house. I had to search the isle for a pregnancy test, an older lady giving me a disapproving look as I picked one up. I rolled my eyes after she'd walked away but got the same look from the cashier chick when I put it on the counter.

I shut the door behind me, ignoring my parent's questions. Why are you home so late? Where have you been? I raced up the stairs and closed my bedroom door behind me. I opened up the bag and was just about to pull out the paper bag when I heard a voice.

"Why are you home so late?" Tate asked making me jump.

"Please just go Tate," I begged.

"Scout, what's going on?" he asked in concern.

"Nothing I just need to be alone," I said then impatiently waiting for him to leave.

"There's something more then that Scout. What is it?" he asked.

I groaned loudly and grabbed my bag before walking out. Tate was calling after me but I just shut myself in the bathroom. I tore my bag open and grabbed the box out of the paper bag. I opened the plastic covering the box with my teeth then took the plastic stick. My life was ruined. My life is officially over and it's barely even begun. As I started down at the fifteen-dollar stick of plastic I felt sick.

"Scout," Tate's voice said.

"Leave me alone Tate," I said and started to cry.

"Scout what's wrong?" I shoved my rubbish into my bag and unlocked the door, walking past Tate. "Scout what did I do?"

"Nothing," I replied and went to shut my bedroom door but he stopped it.

He followed me inside and looked at me, "I know you're lying," he said and rested his hands on my waist. He wiped my tears away with a small smile, "please tell me what's wrong," he begged.

"Tate I'm..." my sentence was cut off by a sharp pain to my stomach.

"What's wrong?" he asked in panic.

I lifted up my shirt and revealed my swollen stomach to him. I pressed my hands against my skin but pressed harder when the pain came back. I groaned then fell to the floor. Tate cradled me and swayed back and forth as I began to cry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Tate said and began to cry as well.

We somehow ended up with me sitting my Tate's lap, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. My cheek was resting against my arm as he rubbed my back up and down.

"Are you going to tell them?" Tate asked after a while.

"I have to," I sighed then sniffled.

"They're going to kill me," he said sadly.

"Then me," I frowned.

Today was just full of disappointments.

I'm so sorry this was so short and so shit but I just had update this and progress this story along. So yeah. Hope to update this again soon

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now