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The twins, Dom and I were thrown into the deep end. We were dropped off out the front of Westfield High and left to fend for ourselves. I sighed heavily and looked up at Dom. He looked at me before he and the twins waled off. I rolled my eyes at all of them before fishing our my cigarettes. I lit one up and took a draw before heading into the courtyard. As I let out a puff I surveyed the scene. It’s an upper middle class high school in an upscale urban neighbourhood. We didn’t belong here. 

I walked past three girls, seniors dressed like they’re twenty-five; talking up some boys. As I walked I overheard their conversation. 

“So I let him,” the one, who to me, appeared to be the leader said. 

“Do coke off of your nipples?” the other brunette asked. 

“They were numb for like two days,” the first explained. I rolled my eyes at them before taking another draw, “Hey! Student council passed a rule against smoking in public spaces,” she shouted, stepping into my comfort zone. 

“Secondhand smoke kills,” the second girl told me. 

“I’m new. I didn’t know,” I said and put it out. 

“What the hell is the matter with you? People sit here. They eat here,” she flipped and picked it up. 

“Why are you doing this to me? You don’t know me,” I told her. 

“Leah’s grandma died of lung cancer. She takes this stuff pretty seriously,” the second girl explained to me. 

The girl, Leah, held the butt out to me, “eat it,” she ordered. “Eat it. Or I’m going to kick the shit out of you”

“Get fucked,” I scoffed. 

“Come on, Leah, it’s enough,” the third girl told her. 

“No, I want to see her eat it,” she said then grabbed my face.

“Seriously, Leah, she’s like twelve,” the second girl told her. 

Leah started trying to shove the butt into my mouth but I kept it shut, moving my hand so she never got the chance. Much to everyone’s astonishment, I spat in her face. Leah’s two fiends started laughing, along with everyone else. As Leah withdrew her hands I followed my instincts, I ran. 

“You’re dead! DEAD!” she screamed after me. 


“How was school?” dad asked as we all climbed into the car. 

“Hi!” Alana shouted happily from her carseat. 

“It was alright,” Dom answered as he strapped himself in. 

“Boys?” dad asked. 

“We scarred the crap out of a bunch of kids,” Joseph said happy then high-fived Mike. 

“Scout, do I dare ask?” he asked, trading carefully. 

“It’s a pretentious shit hole filled with exasperating halfwits who seem to depend heavily on drugs,” I pontificated. 

“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” dad told me. 

“Easy for you to say. You don’t go there,” I murmured and crossed my arms over my chest. 

When we got home I immediately went straight to my room, slamming my door, “it’s not nice to slam doors,” Tate told me, making me jump. 

“Why are you in my room?” I asked him. 

“I’m early and I thought I’d have a look around,” he shrugged, looking through my CD’s. 

“You’ll have better luck in my brother’s room,” I said and threw my bag to the ground at the end of my bed, before flopping down face first. 

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now