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Dom and I sat across from mum and dad, the coffee table separating the couches. You could hear the hands on the clock ticking it was that quiet. Dom nudged me for the thousandth time but I kept staring at my hands.

"Well is someone going to tell us what's going on?" dad asked in a guff tone.

I rolled my eyes, "tell them," Dom demanded.

"No," I replied.

"Scout," mum said wearily.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child," I said with a raised voice.

"Scout," Dom warned.

"Why are you making me do this? Can you not see it's against my own free will? I told you the truth now just drop it," I shouted angrily.

"Scout just tell them!" he said and stood up.

"If you want them to know so badly, you tell them!" I rose to my feet as well and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Scout's voices have come back," Dom turned to look at our parents.

"What?" dad asked in anger.

"Well you're not dead so obviously it isn't bad," I sassed.

"What about Leah?" Dom asked.

"For the last time I just scared her! Jesus if you love her so much just go to her house and check up on her!" I screamed in his face.

"When did the voices come back?" mum asked.

"When we moved here," Dom cut in before I could even open my mouth.

"You knew Scout," dad seethed. "You knew that if they came back you were to tell us straight away!" he yelled.

"They weren't bad at first! They just told me about Marcy then Tate that's it. They only started being bad a few days ago," I explained.

"That's it. I knew you couldn't be trusted," dad grumbled.

"I swear to god if you touch me I will hurt you," I said as he reached to grip my arm.

He retreated his hand and everyone stared at me in shock, "you don't get to belittle me anymore. I'm done. I know the difference between right and wrong and so far I've done a pretty terrific job at resisting the voices so you need to back off and let me handle this on my own," I said then walked out before I could be lectured.

"That sounded intense," Tate told me from the top of the stair case.

I gripped the collar of Tate's sweater and dragged him into my room.


"You know I'm going to need that back right?" Tate asked as I played with the sleeves of his sweater.

"But I like it," I whined and he just chuckled.

He was using one hand to support his head as he lay on his side. I had Tate's sweater on and the blanket over my legs. I smiled down at him and he smiled back.

"You're beautiful," he smiled.

"So are you," I replied and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"What we just did, that wasn't revenge on your parents, was it?" he asked after a minute.

"At first it was but once we kissed that left my mind," I explained and he nod.

"I think I love you Scout," he said as he ran hid thumb over the back of my hand.

"I love you too Tate," he brought my hand up to his mouth and kidded the skin, making me smile fondly. "I could stay here forever"

"Me too. You should skip school tomorrow and spend the day with me," he said hopefully.

"I think I might," we both smiled and I leant down to kiss him.

I threw back the covers and stood up. I heard Tate chuckle at me but I just flipped him off. I put on my jeans and sweater then handed Tate his back.

"Kept it warm for me," he joked.

The door suddenly swung open and crashed against the wall, "get out," dad demanded.

"Bye Scout," Tate said then walked out.

"What the hell was that?" dad yelled after Tate had gone down stairs.

"None of your business," I retaliated.


"Don't bother with the full name threat. I'm not five anymore. I swear, once I'm old enough I'm moving out of this house and away from you," I rambled.

"Well that's a long time coming," he smirked, thinking he had the upper hand.

"Or I could just kill myself," that got him. "Make the voices go away. I'd get to be away from you. It's a win-win for me," I smirked.

"You'd be hurting everyone else," he reminded me.

"What? Like you're hurting our family? You accused mum of cheating without actual evidence. Just because of your shrink bullshit doesn't mean you're always right. That really hurt mum, that you accused her of that," I told him.

"This move was for our family"

"No! This move was for you, so you could sleep at night! You moved us out here because you were scared mum would leave you. I would if I was her. You're a controlling, fun sucking succubus who can't admit when he's wrong. Now get out of my room," I pushed him then slammed my door in his face.

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now