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I ducked under the couch the two men were carrying up the steps leading to the house. I stepped into Dom’s hand basket that he made, giving me a boost into the moving truck. It was weird, seeing our life so far packed into boxes, in the back of a moving truck. I picked up one of his boxes, tossing it down to Dom. He caught it, sitting it on the ground. I threw out another two before tossing out three of my own. 

I jumped off the back of the truck, collecting my boxes and started towards the gate. We were lucky it was sunny, it was supposedly almost always sunny here. It was an alright adjustment from the almost constant rain. Dad squished himself up against the wall as I walked past. I could hear the laughter of the twins and the crack of poppers from above. 

A popper went off right next to my foot, causing me to take a step back, close to the top step. I rolled my eyes, even know they couldn’t see it due to the box in front of my face. I dumped the boxes onto my floor, nothing breakable or valuable in them anyway. None of my furniture was in my room, only boxes cluttering the edges. I walked back out, having done this at least four or five times before, and raced Dom down the stairs. 

He jogged ahead, making another basket out of his woven fingers. Dom only had four boxes left, while I, however, had five. I saw Joseph only had one so I smiled as I sat on the edge of the truck. 

“Joe, could you be a dear and take up one of my boxes for me?” I smiled. 

“Carry your own box,” he replied. 

“Don’t bother asking me,” Mike said, stopping beside his twin. 

“Boys just be nice and one of you take it up,” mum said as she walked past. 

I smirked to myself before getting up and placing my box on top of the box Joseph already had in his hands. I hopped down, grabbing my boxes before following the twins up to the house for what was hopefully the last time. When I put my boxes down I saw dad was sitting in the middle of my room, reassembling my bed. 

I pulled the sleeves of my cardigan down before sitting beside my dad. He looked at me for a second then went back to putting my bed back together. I kissed the top of his head then went to find the box labelled BED. I grabbed the key mum had cut for me then used it to rip the tape keeping the box closed. My bed sheets were neatly folded inside along with a few cushions. 

“Scout, I need your help,” dad informed me. I looked back at him, seeing he needed help with my mattress, then paced over, “lift on three,” he instructed. “One…two…three,” he said then we both lifted. 

We carried the double mattress over to my bed before sitting it on top of the frame. Dad flopped on top of the mattress, wiping away the fake sweat on his forehead. I rolled my eyes at him before he looked at me. 

“Well…I’ll leave you to it,” he said then stood up and walked out. 

As I made my bed, the moving men brought up the rest of my furniture. Every time I emptied a box I’d flatten it out and stack them in a corner. I only got about two of my boxes unpacked by the time we were called down for lunch. Apparently dad was having his first client in tomorrow so we had to help set up the rest of the house after lunch. It wasn’t ideal for me since I still had a mass amount of boxes to empty but it was out of my hands. 

I was assigned the study, or dad’s office. I knew exactly ho he liked it and he had to help mum with the kitchen so it seemed as if the job was perfect for me. I grabbed the two-seater couch over to the centre of the room before doing the same with the coffee table. I grunted as I tried to pull dad’s chair over. It was always difficult to move this chair. The legs at the bottom were all joined together, making a sort of star shape. Once I was finally able to heave the chair over, I collapsed onto the couch.

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now