Good Enough (One Sided ChikaSarah)

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This is basically my opinion on people ignoring the obvious connection in front of their faces. Also don't read if you have a trigger warning to self harm. Thank you. Yes we are starting off dark. Happier ones will be here too tho. I just like dark. Its exciting


I loved her. I used to think she loved me too. But all that happened was she left me behind. I honestly feel like I have no use being here anymore. Yet something still keeps me going despite the pain. I know my sister needs me. But I've resorted to other methods to feel better. They aren't good ones at all. I've been taking a blade to myself. I honestly hate it but I also feel like I need it. I've been hiding everything from her. But I have a feeling she knows anyways.

What would Chika think if she knew how bad she had hurt me? Do you think she would even care? Did she ever care about me? I cared about her. I gave her my heart and she tore it into pieces and tossed it aside like it was rotten food. She tossed me aside just like that.

I knew my sister knew how sad I was. I guess I'd have to come clean to her. I didn't want to because she would stop me but I needed to.

So I texted her to come into my room. I didn't really leave my bed unless I had to.

It was pretty cold here a lot so dressing in clothing for colder weather wasn't unusual. But I showed her everything she needed to see. I was in tears. I didn't even know what to say. And for once my sister didn't just looked concerned and worried about me. She seemed angry. Angry that someone could hurt me like this. Hurt me enough to do this. Some were still a bit bloody I will admit. I hated the sight but it was the feeling that I felt like I needed.

Leah bought us plane tickets to fly there to visit. To show her how she hurt me. I didn't want to see her. I still loved her. But she was with one of her best friends. Her neighbor Riko. She hurt me for a redhead.

When the day of the flight arrived we boarded. But I just felt anxiety. I didn't want to go.

I know Leah was mad because she looks up to me so much. And it must hurt her to see that someone made me do something as stupid as I did.

I also admit. She also talked me out of just ending it all there. I never used to be like this. She crushed the old me. Turning me into this. Can the old me ever come back? I'm not sure.

Free me from this nightmare! Please.

I didn't realize that I was crying from my thoughts until i felt a hand wipe away a tear.

"It will all be okay once we show her what she did. She will regret her actions. I promise."

She was speaking more than the old me. I became an antisocial shut in.

The plane ride was normal. But they hurt. What I did hurt. I was used to the pain though. As bad as that is. It's been months of this happening. I also hate my birthday. She told me she didn't love me on that day of all days. She broke me. I won't even acknowledge my birthday anymore. I can't. It just reminds me of her words. They rang out in my head. Still as clear as a summer's day

"I'm sorry Sarah. I just don't really love you anymore. It's nothing personal exactly. I just found someone I like better. See ya"

Who says that to a person?

And before I knew it we had arrived.

We got off the plane. We would stay on our own somewhere. We got a hotel in Tokyo. We unpacked and took a train.

Is it bad to say I didn't even style my hair anymore?

But we arrived. And we went straight to where we knew she would be. Her home.

She was kissing, no. She was making out with Riko. It hurt a lot to see.

But they noticed us. They seemed shocked. Mainly Chika seemed shocked

"Why have you come?" She asked. Acting like the breakup wasn't what it was.

I didn't speak. I physically couldn't speak. Anxiety stopped me.

"You need to take a good look at what you've done!"

Leah was truly mad

"What I've done? What the hell do you mean?"

"You broke her!" She shouted before looking at me. Telling me to reveal what I've done.

I pulled my sleeves up for them both to see.

There was more shock on their faces

"You caused her to do this to herself! You broke my sister!..."

Leahs voice was dying out. She was crying.

"She hates so many things she didn't before... You broke her...You changed her... And I want my sister back!"

After that she took my hand and we left. Leaving her to think on that. I also pulled my sleeves back down to avoid stares. And she didn't even hear all of the story.

We went to our hotel. We got into some nicer clothes and went out again. She took me to get a bit of a makeover. New hairstyle, new clothes, and manicures and pedicures. A day of fun and relaxation. To get my mind off of everything. It was so much fun. I actually smiled for the first time in a while. I felt happiness. Something I haven't felt since it happened.

And I realized something. I don't need romantic love if it's only going to hurt me. I just need love from family and friends. And I had Leah. We could bond more as sisters. Bonding is important for everyone.

I started to feel a lot happier about everything. And I began to seek professional help in the harming thing. Yes we were back home now. I wasn't fully back to myself yet but I was getting there. And I had my sister to thank for everything. I'm so glad to have someone like her who can help me in a time of need.

Thank you Leah

I hope you enjoyed this. Yay one shots are back!

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