Carousel (LeahRubyMaru Love Triangle pt. 2)

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Another POV to the love triangle we go. This time Hanamaru's POV. Also song doesn't fit as much but oh well


We we're currently in Hokkaido. Our friends and rivals, Saint Snow, invited us over. Well, everyone left but us. And Ruby told me something.

She feels the same way I feel about her. That made me incredibly happy. But there was more too it. I wasn't the only one she loved. She loved Leah too. Also Yoshiko was basically third wheeling during this conversation. She was doing the Yohane schtick. Nothing new basically.

My heart felt love for Ruby. But being friends with her was enough if she wanted to choose Leah. Yeah I'll be hurt but I'll be happy for her. My happiness for her will be stronger than my hurt.

I could tell this was a love triangle. Especially when we got to writing the song. Leah seemed to love Ruby as well.

Ruby pulled Leah aside at one point. I assume to tell her about how she feels romantically and stuff

But while they did that I had to stop Yoshiko from doing something stupid. She decided to try to sneak out of the room to do heck knows what. She probably wanted something for her fallen angel schtick. Maybe she wanted to do something dangerous. It wouldn't surprise me at all

After catching her in the act she came back over and we began talking. Not about the song either. Just random stuff.

And I realized something. I realized I might not have ever had a chance with her. Because I rembered one important thing. Yes we may be super close but she seems to wanna get closer to Leah.

I know I may be overreacting but maybe after witnessing things for myself I happened to notice.

Will I ever have a chance with her? Or will I be in the friendzone forever? 

And then a random thought came to mind. Even though I say something special in the things I say, the zura, how come it isn't there in my thoughts? It's there in my speech but not in my thoughts. Strange isn't it?

Eventually Ruby and Leah came back and we continued writing our song. This song would be for a performance with both of our groups. A duo group performance basically.

When the performance came everything was a success. But after I noticed something. Leah was crying and Ruby was helping her feel better.

I also saw Sarah being super close with Chika. Something must be going on between them. How cute.

Almost everyone seemed to have a lover. Chika had Sarah, Dia had You. Kanan had Mari. And then there was us, the love triangle. We both want a romantic relationship with Ruby. Romantic because we know she's asexual meaning she's only romantically attracted to us. I have a feeling Leah might be too. And then there's me. As much as I want her to choose me, I feel like she's going to choose the one who can understand her more. Even though I try to understand the best I can. (Deal with my ships typically being side ships mentioned in stories. As many as I can use. Also yes I am taking things from Asexual Idol in this. I have the right to take from myself)

Why is life so complicated? I want to be happy no matter who she chooses but I have a feeling I'm also going to hurt inside. But that's of course if she chooses who I think she will, not me.

I'm nothing compared to Leah. I'm just a best friend. A gay best friend. I wish I could be more.

At this point I just wanna go home. I need to escape thjs world for a moment. Entering another world to escape this pain for a while will be useful. Books and music can take people into another world. My choice is obvious.


I'm finally home. It felt great. Once I got here I headed straight to my room. I gpt a snack on my way. For some reason I can eat anything and not gain weight from it. They say everyone either has a friend like that or they are that friend. I guess in my case I am that friend.

So I ate my snack and started reading. Instantly entering a new world. One outside our own. It wasn't exactly a happy world. It was actually quite a dark story. But the cover looked different than everything else. But then again history can be dark. So I guess it's not unusual for me to read something dark.

The story was a magical world. Magical girls existed and they were sent to another world to fight these monsters. The monsters wanted to destroy all humanity. In fact they've already destroyed most of it. Only a single island of the country remained. 6 girls came together. 5 would fight while the remaining girl would not. The 5 girls also had image colors like we did as idols. Their colors being blue, white, orange, red, and pink. There's more to the series with other colors outside of these. Colors such as yellow, green and purple alongside colors seen before. The story is dark because the girls in this book are being taken out by the enemies. White and orange came first. Red was next. Then was pink. Blue being the only fighter to survive. Some of the death scenes were brutal. Honestly it kinda hurt to read. (Anyone know the book she's reading?)

It was still an exiting world to be in though. It was also sad. Girls around my age were fighting monsters and dying in the process.

Anyways. The blue girl would eventually lead to the purple girl from a future story. My favorite character from the current book I'm in is the white girl. She loves reading. And from the characters from the main story I love the green girl. She reminds me of Ruby. Cute, shy, wants to be an idol and achieves that idol dream making it a reality. She also has an older sister.

These stories were something that I enjoyed though. Despite how dark it was the storyline was really good. It interested me. I still have yet to read the other 2 light novels in the series. One with 3 girls who fight and one with girls who are training to be just like those other girls.

But it seems I got too lost in the story because when I looked at the clock it was getting quite late. So I got ready for bed and went to sleep

I need you guys to vote who Ruby chooses. Yes you need to choose before I write Ruby's part. Also try to guess the LN she's reading, book and series. Let's see if you know

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