Safe (KotoUmi)

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Ahh yes. I got another idea. This has been sitting around for a bit now. Wanted to finish the love triangle story first. Also this is the first of the μ's stories in this book! Now enjoy some KotoUmi. Btw this would probs be when the 3 are 3rd years. Also I'm struggling with the Ruby part of the love triangle story. Ill hopefully get back to that when I can. But for now I just wanna post stuff I have written and other stuff. Thank you


I was in love. That much I knew. But how safe really was it to love her? What if she loves someone else? And she can she scary at times. But yet my heart sped up around her and my face would start to feel warmer. I knew I was in love by what I was feeling. But my main question still remained

Was it safe to love her?

I tried to run from my feelings when I could. Trying to hide them. But of course my friends knew me too well. It's been many years since we've met. They knew something was up. But when they asked I only said I had feelings for someone. I never told them who.

As much as my heart throbs it also hurts. I'm too caring and that always results in me feeling hurt inside. But this case is different. It's different because it's not just my heart caring for my friends. It's my heart caring for and wanting someone.

I'm in the LGBT community but I'm not exactly a lesbian like most think. I'm more in the asexual umbrella. I don't feel sexually attracted to someone until I know them well enough. I am homo-romantic though. Romantically attracted to other girls. And being in this category of asexual makes sense on why I'm attracted to my friend in both of these ways. Romantic feelings I can always feel. But the sexual stuff, mainly the attraction, only when I know someone well enough.

I guess there's multiple reasons why I fell for Umi. She really is beautiful. Her lips look so soft. But she can be really scary. Is it safe for me to love her?

At this point though, I don't care. I'm gonna let her have a chance to claim my heart.

So I started planning how to confess. I don't care if she's scary at times. I doubt she'd ever hurt me. She hasn't hurt me before.

So I eventually told her to meet me at my place and to meet me in my room on a specific day.

But since it was winter everything was cold. And somehow that exact day I had planned on confessing things didn't go as planned. I woke up completely unable to speak. I couldn't speak mainly out of pain. I ended up getting sick. Just an extremely sore and swollen throat and a high fever. Of course my mom was worried but there was nothing we could really do. We had no idea what the heck this was (taking this from personal experience. Had this when I was 15. No clue what it was)

I had no choice but to text Umi. So I did

TEXTING (letters say who is who)

K: hey Umi. I'm so sorry. I have to cancel our plans to hang out.

U: why? Did something happen?

K: yeah. I woke ip sick

K: up*

U: I'm still coming over. I'm going to take care of you.

K: you don't have to.

U: but I want to. You've been my friend since we were small. I care about you a lot.

K: I care about you too. And I guess I'll see you soom

K: soon*


My face was hot and red, I knew that for sure. But whether it was because she was still coming over or because I was sick I didn't know. Maybe it was both.

I put my phone down and hugged my favorite plushie, a cute, round bird.

I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up she was in my room in a chair doing her own thing, occasionally looking at me.

"Oh. You're awake. How are you? Are you feeling any better?"

I just shook my head.

"Can you speak?"

Again I shook my head

"I see"

Then I got an idea. I took my phone out and typed into it in order to speak

(I'm sure you can assume that until she's better she will be talking via phone bot)

"I'll communicate with this. A bot on my phone. It's an app"

"Alright. So what did you originally wanna talk about?"

"I have strong feelings for you. Romantic feelings. I love you"

Her face went just as red as mine.

"I love you too"

I felt my face getting hotter than it already was

I wanted her to kiss me but it wouldn't be smart.


It took a few days for me to be better again. But since I was it felt amazing. I could speak again and I could sing again.

I got to leave my house and see her. And while waiting for Honoka to meet us so we can walk to school, we had our first kiss. It felt amazing. Her lips were so soft. I felt my heart racing.

Then someone ran into us knocking us down. It was Honoka.

"Honoka you're late" Umi said

We would've left a bit sooner if we didn't get lost in kissing. I admit it

"Well nobody woke me up" Honoka said

"You should take care of yourself Honoka" Umi responded

"Anyways can you tell me what I witnessed?"

"You witnessed a kiss" I said

"Eh!? You two are together!?" Honoka said. She was as confused as she is in math class. Or any class really. We really do have to help her a lot. But we wouldn't have things any other way

"We are" I said with a smile also taking hold of Umi's soft hand. Loving her was worth everything. She may ne scary at times but she's still human just like the rest of us. And she'd never hurt me. Even during the pillow fight when we woke her up she never aimed for me once. She kept me safe. Though we did knock her out before she could take more of us out.

It was scary but we knew it was just her hatred of being woken up from her sleep. I'm pretty sure the only one who can wake her without consequences is me. Though I'm sure if you woke her because the house you both were in was on fire or some other emergency situation that can be deadly she'd allow you to wake her. If it's to save a life it's fine.

The 3 of us kept talking, my hand still entwined with Umi's. We didn't even realize we arrived at school until we looked up. So we all went to our lockers to change out of our outside shoes into our inside ones, took off our coats because it's still winter, and walked to class.

I hope you enjoyed this story. If you have any ship suggestions please tell me and I'll see what I can do

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