Dare To Love Me (ChisaKanon)

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Wattpad  is seriously glitching the fuck out here no clue why. I've had to delete this like 10 times already before I could even begin because  everything kept underlining. Like wtf wattpad? Why so glitchy glitchy? Anyways I  wanted to write something  to this new song. And using Chisato because  the video came out on her birthday. So she deserves it

Chisato POV

A weekend, the day I would be meeting up with her. I know we're friends but can she ever love me as more? She wouldn't play my feelings right? Ugh don't be silly of course she wouldn't. Why am I  doubting her? Ive known her for so long. I guess I just have low confidence. But of all people, why to her? It doesn't matter right now. I have to get ready and go.

I got dressed in the cutest pinkest outfit. Made sure my hair was perfect. The usual style but making sure the buns were satisfyingly round. Do I  look perfect?

Why do my looks suddenly matter so much? Perhaps I need to do more for myself. I know  my body is fit. But the rest of me... what can I  do? Could anyone truly love someone like me like how I love her? She's perfect, and I'm just... different

So I went to the kitchen from here. I got something  to eat. One of those puff cereals. The roundness was perfect. Then I  got my shoes on and headed out. Looking at myself  one last time before I left.

I met up with her at the mall. She smiled when she saw me and gave me a hug. The hug felt amazing. I never wanted it to end. But it did. It did end. But I got to hold her hand. Her soft warm hand. I could feel my  face warming up too

She looked at me

"Are you okay? Your face is all red" she asked me

I could only nod at first. But I eventually answered with words

"I-I'm alright" I managed to get out

But she touched my face. Checking on me, how sweet. How cute can one girl be?

"Are you sure you're okay? You're face is still red and you feel really warm"

"Should I let her carry me to my house or hers?" I thought to myself

"I-I..." was all I  managed  to get out.

"I suppose I can take you to my place. Don't worry it will be fine. My parents are working the café and my sister is at a friend's house" she told me trying  to reassure me

I felt my heart beat start to speed up like it was about to pop out  of my chest. Can she really  love me the same way I love her?

Please don't be playing with my feelings. She wouldn't right?

Why did I have to fall in love with my childhood friend?

Why is Kanon so cute? She's cuter than the roundest animal on the planet. She's  also  cuter than her own owl. As cute and round as Manmaru is, he's nothing compared to her. She's way way cuter.

Does she think I'm cute too?

I was so lost in my thoughts I  never realized  she did pick me up and carry me. Next thing I knew is I was in her warm comfortable arms, her soft skin touching mine.

I felt my face heating up more and my heart speeding up. I might actually pass out... she's too cute that  my body cant handle it.


I was right. I did pass out. She was too cute to handle. I woke up in her bed.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at where I  was. A cute round owl plushie was placed in my arms. I'd much rather have her in my arms. Her bed would  be warmer if she was in it with me too

She saw me awake and looked at me.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Im not even sick. Im just a lesbian.

"I-I" I still couldn't get the words out. I really am hopeless aren't I?

Perhaps I'll just have to use my actions to tell her how I feel.

"Are you still not okay? You worry me you know" she said while coming closer to me

"I worry you? I'm justa hopeless lesbian" I  thought to myself.

I took this opportunity to grab her gently and pull her onto the bed with me. I instantly  wrapped my arms around  her. Her face went red too.

"C-Chi-Chan" I heard her say. But I just  held her.

Then I said it "I love you silly"

Her expression changed. She smiled and she hugged me back.

"I love you too" she sounded so genuine.

How happy can a girl be? As happy as I  am right  now. I guess she does love me. She does love me.

We just layed in her bed. Hugging each other. Then she leaned in and kissed me.

It felt so nice. Her lips were so soft and they felt perfect. I returned the kiss to her.

It was amazing. We just can't let this get out to the public. As idols it will start a scandal.

But for now it didn't matter. We're happy. Our happiness is what matters right now.

We spent more time together.

And eventually the day was over. And we had to separate the next day.

But once back at school we got to tell our friends. All of them were happy for us.

We got to show our love for each other in the clubroom and during practice. Nobody can separate us. Our love is something amazing.

I know one thing. I love her and she loves me. We love each other just the same. I've never been this happy. I never  thought I would ever  be this happy. But here I am. The happiest I've ever been. I want to remain this happy for the rest of my life. We belong together as girlfriends. I want us to stay this way. To remain as happy as can be as girlfriend and girlfriend.

How happy can a girl be? As happy as I am right now. Nothing can end my happiness. I know  she feels the same way. I'm glad she can love me for me in more than just a friendship way. Im glad she feels the same way as me. There's nothing more I can ask for. I'm  so happy. The happiest I can ever be and the happiest I will ever be. Let us please be happy forever

I hope  you  all enjoyed  my comeback. Sorry if it isnt as good lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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