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She tried to hold her breath, but in the silence of the dark room, even her heartbeat seemed too loud. Her heart was racing too fast- he could hear it and she knew it.

The man she planned to kill was only two feet away from her, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"What is there to talk about?" Tommy said. He was sat at his desk, one leg lazily crossed over the other. She shivered. His voice was low and even, and even though she couldn't see him, she knew his chin was lifted with an arrogant swagger. The mask of Tommy Shelby was back. Hidden away was the man who had worried for her safety. A gang leader, a business man- a soldier- was left in his wake.

Campbell ignored the question. She heard him take three steps, his cane beating the floor with each movement. She had no idea when he had started using a cane, but the sound of it was ominous as he waited in the silence.

"Did you get robbed, Mr. Shelby? Someone seems to have left a mess on your floor."

She had forgotten about the pieces of paper, the pens, and whatever else had fallen in the wake of her pleasure. Tommy let out a low huff of air.

"You could say that. I'll ask again, Inspector, what do you want?"

There was a beat. "I think you know exactly why I'm here, Mr. Shelby."

Her heart was in her throat. The Inspector was not a threat- she could take him easily and she knew Tommy would never let harm come to her, but she knew she should stay hidden, if only because of the edge in the man's voice. Something was wrong.

"You like to play with fire, don't you," Campbell said, still pacing. There was a step, a step, and then the thud of his cane on the hardwood again and again.

Tommy sat in his chair, his leg barricading her under the desk as he crossed it and pulled a cigarette and a match from the top drawer. He leaned back casually, striking the match and waving it to put it out. He took a long drag before looking back up, raising his eyebrows and motioning for him to continue.

"Yesterday in Belgravia, Field Marshall Russel's house was burned out- an incendiary device was shoved right through his mail box."

Tommy tensed, the movement nearly imperceptible. But she had studied his movement, she had fallen in love with the ease of his gaze, his touch, his rare smile. To her eyes, he might as well have shouted that something was wrong, but he stayed silent and composed for the world to see.

"Hmm," Tommy hummed, blowing out a stream of smoke that circled above his head in the lamplight. "So the deal for me to kill him is no longer possible, I guess."

It was her turn to tense. What plan was he talking about? She hadn't heard so much as a whisper about him killing a Field Marshall, let alone at the behest of Campbell. She tried to reign in the anger she felt, but in its wake, all she felt was betrayal.

"No, he survived," Campbell said. She didn't need to see him to know he was seething behind his thick, grey moustache. "So if you think a wee arson charge is going to get you out of your obligations, think again-"

"I'll keep my side of the bargain," Tommy said. The assurance in his voice was like a slap in the face. They had left London and he had told her nothing- he had kept her out of the loop like he had promised he wouldn't. Now she was huddled at his feet and anger was not enough to describe how she felt.

"Oh, I know you will," Campbell said through gritted teeth, taking a step towards the desk. Any other time and she might have been excited to see what Tommy would do to a man who spoke to him like that. As if he sensed her anger, though, Tommy did nothing. He didn't move, didn't sigh, didn't even bring his smouldering cigarette to his lips- he just stared.

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