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She awoke to the gentle morning light streaming through the window. Stretching her legs, she rolled over and wrapped her arms around Tommy, an involuntary sigh falling from her lips. Tommy stirred awake but his eyes stayed close. His fingers slid lazily up and down her arm. She savoured this peaceful moment- the warmth of his skin against hers, the quiet of the house, the sun peaking through the white curtains.

And then the night before came back to her.

"John and Arthur," she mumbled, still half asleep. Tommy finally opened his eyes, looking over at her with furrowed brows.

"That's not usually what I like to hear when you're lying naked next to me," he replied. She sighed, shoving him.

"No, I mean did they get home? I don't remember-"

"Yes," he cut her off, sensing her worry building. "They stumbled in the door right after you fell asleep."

She nodded. Usually, she was a light sleeper- awake at even the slightest breeze rustling past. But with Tommy, she fell into a sort of rest she could never seem to find without him.

They were silent for a while longer, both of them falling in and out of sleep. Rose turned to look at him as she stirred once more, pressing a kiss on his cheek before asking:

"Who are Bonnie and Clyde?"

"Hm?" he asked. Part of her wanted him to answer just to hear the deep rumbling of his morning voice.

"Last night in the car," she tired again, "you said we were just like Bonnie and Clyde. Who are they?"

He let out a low chuckle.

"A few years back, a friend of mine from New York told me about this couple who had become notorious for committing crimes and never getting caught. I've heard stories since that they're madly in love, never take no for an answer, and spend most of their time narrowly escaping death."

It was her turn to laugh. "And they're still alive?"

He nodded, sitting up. Rose groaned, but followed suit, pulling the covers up over her chest.

"They're alive and still travelling across America. Their gang grows bigger by the day."

"I like that," she smiled, looking up at him. "You and I do seem to spend quite a lot of our time narrowly escaping death."

He nodded. "But I like us more than I like them."

"Well I should hope so!" she laughed. "But why?"

He stood from the bed and moved to get dressed, but she couldn't take her eyes away. One second she was half asleep and the next her heart was racing, ready for him in every way.

As if he noticed, he turned around and leaned down, pressing a long kiss to her lips and smiling.

"Well I saw a picture in the papers," he said against her lips. "And you're much prettier."

He winked and she shoved his chest, pretending to be taken aback. He just laughed, standing back up to get dressed once again.

She finally stood from the bed, preparing to flinch against the morning cold but instead she was met by the gentle warmth of the radiator by their door. She paused for a moment to enjoy it before padding over to her dresser and picking an outfit.

She held up a few, letting Tommy pick. His first choice had been for her to stay exactly as she was all day. She laughed, musing that it might not go over so well in their meetings, but in a second he was on her, leaving the dresses forgotten on the floor.

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