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She startled awake as the boat hit the side of the dock with a low thump. Suddenly, as she opened her eyes, she could hear the growing noise of Camden Town. Machinery clanged and men yelled along the canal, their days still going even though the summer sun only barely rising in the smokey sky.

Tommy was soundly asleep. His face was calm and even his injuries didn't look as bad in the half darkness of the boat. She thought for just a moment of what his life could have been like- a gypsy, travelling and living off the land- and wondered if he might have been happier. If they both would have been. She watched his chest rise and fall for a few more breaths before she gently shook him awake.  

He grunted as he sat up. She watched his weary eyes settle on her and he smiled, trying to lean forwards towards her. When he grimaced, pausing half way, she laughed and closed the distance, pressing a small kiss on his lips.

"We're here," she whispered, shuffling off the makeshift bed. He nodded, following her and standing with a ducked head to pull on his jacket and hat. They slowly made their way onto the top of the boat, squinting as rare London sun poured through the smog and reflected off the water.

Curly was already tying the boat the the dock, offering them both smiles as they stepped onto the cobblestone wharf.

"We'll be done by sunset tomorrow, Curly," Tommy said, handing him some cash and patting him once on the shoulder. "Stay safe- I'll find you if I need you."

Curly smiled, once at Tommy and then turning to Rose. He waved as they walked away, their footsteps muffled by the constant commotion and noise of the dock. She was glad for the busy workers and distraction, though, as she realized she was still wearing one of Tommy's jumpers loosely hanging over her skirt and her jacket haphazardly thrown over her shoulders.

Tommy looked down at her and smiled, only now seeming to recognize the jumper.

"It looks good," he said. She cursed the simplicity in his voice and how even the smallest compliment still managed to make nerves rise in her chest.

Before she could find the words to say, there was a honk from the end of the dock, and she looked up to see Arthur hanging out the driver's side window of Tommy's car.

"Can't stay away, can you, Brother?"

Tommy sent Arthur a scathing look before gingerly pulling himself in the car. Arthur just laughed, turning to Rose with a grin.

"Well I'm glad you can't stay away at least, Rosie."

"Do I have a choice?" she laughed as he pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. He patted her on the back with a smile that said "no, I guess you don't."

The three of them settled into the car and drove for a minute before Rose finally spoke up.

"So," she ventured, watching as Tommy's eyes flickered back and forth, noticing every detail of the city around them, "are either of you going to tell me what this new plan is?"

"Well," Arthur said, his eyes flicking from the road long enough to offer her a sheepish smile and peer at the backseat. She followed his gaze to see a black dress bag and a pair of neat, black shoes.

"What is that for?" she said, reaching to unzip the bag.

Arthur laughed. "Listen, please don't be mad at me, Rosie. You and Tommy gave me no fuckin' time to come up with a good plan, so this is all you're gonna get."

Her eyes widened as she unzipped the bag and pulled out a serving uniform- one that might be seen in a tea room or hotel. The white dress was starched, pressed and topped with a powder blue pinafore. She turned to Arthur, giving Tommy a small shove when she saw the small smile on his face.

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