Meeting Langa's mom

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"When am I gonna meet your mom?" Reki suddenly asked.

They two boys were at Reki's, cuddled up on his bed. Reki had his head against Langa's chest and his arms wrapped around his torso. The other had his head against the wall and one arm wrapped around the boy and the other behind his head.

"I don't know.." Langa was hesitant about Reki meeting his mom. What if his mom started showing him his baby pictures! What if his mom started rambling about how much Langa talks about Reki, even before they started dating

Reki noticed how nervous Langa looked, he removed one his hands from his torso and placed it on his face, cupping his cheek.

This immediately started to calm him down, he took in a few breathes before gathering his thoughts.

"Today's her day off.. if you want we can go there." Langa nervously said. Reki had a huge smiled plastered on his face.

He quickly got off of Langa and started to put his shoes and headband on. Afterwards he pulled Langa up, getting him off the bed. He was still hesitant about going but he didn't want to disappear Reki.

"Let's go! I can't wait to see your place!" Reki cheered while walking out of his room, a smile still on his face. Langa soon followed behind.

They were both skateboarding to Langa's apartment. Langa was obviously leading the way, still very hesitant.

They skateboarded for a few more minutes till they were outside Langa's apartment. Reki was about to walk in but his boyfriend grabbed his wrist.

Reki turned around and looked at the blue haired boy, tilting his head in confusion. "Let me call her. So she knows you're here." Reki nodded as Langa pulled out his phone and dialed his mom's number.

"Hi, mom... I'm here with Reki.... we're outside.... calm down, we're coming up now." Langa hung up letting out a sigh. Reki chuckled , he could hear his mom panicking.

Langa then intertwined their fingers together and headed up to his apartment. After a few flights of stairs and walking down the hall, they were now standing in front of Langa's apartment.

The blue haired boy was about to grab his key but the door was suddenly swung open, revealing a women, Langa's mother.

She had light brown hair, with some of it tied back.  Her eyes were light brown too, very different from Langa's. She was wearing small blue earrings, a white shirt paired with a pink sweater that went down to her knees. And lastly she was wearing blue pants that exposed her ankles.

"Hi! I'm Nanako Hasegawa! Nice to meet you!" His mother instantly started shaking Reki's head, a huge smile on her face.

"Nice to-" Reki was saying before he got cut off by Nanako.

"Why don't you come inside! Wouldn't want you standing out there the whole time," She laughed nervously which made Langa sigh. Reki just chuckled in response and entered their apartment, Langa following behind.

"So.. you're Reki.." His mom said her hand on her chin.

"Langa is always talking about you! Whenever he does he has this huge smile on his face," Langa blushed furiously while Reki smiled.

"Mom..." Langa whined trying to get her to stop, but she didn't.

"Thank you, Reki, for helping him. For making him smile again.." Nanako smile softly at Reki. The red head was shocked, he never really thought about it but he did help Langa, not just with skating but with becoming happy again.

"You're welcome." Reki smiled back at her, "Now, where are Langa's baby pictures?" Nanako gasped and ran off.

"Why? We could've just watched a movie in my room. Why?" Langa went up behind Reki, resting his head on the other's shoulder.

"Oh come on, I wanna see baby Langa. You've already seen all of my baby pictures, now it's my turn." Reki smirked placing both of hands on his hips. Nanako then came running back, a book in hand.

She placed the book at the table and sat down, gesturing for the boys to come over. Reki went over to her, dragging Langa with him.

The ending song hits different when you think of it being sung by Reki and Langa :')

Also I'm unsure if Nanako is really her name??? I found it on the fandom wiki about Langa 😳

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