Chapter 21

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Santana set her Bluetooth receiver on her ear and answered the call, "Q."


Santana couldn't help but smile, it was good to hear Quinn's voice. Besides, she was still riding a wave of bliss from the racquetball game earlier... and everything that happened after.

She was actually interested when she asked, "How's the conference going?"

"Just as redundant as I thought it would be," Quinn sighed and Santana could almost hear her rolling her eyes, "but it looks good on a resume, so I'll take it."

"Yeah, I bet."

"Look, Kurt told me about the article in—"

"Bullshit," Santana cut her off with a smirk in her voice, "I haven't told Kurt yet. I know you heard about it from Rachel, and I know she's out in San Antonio with you."

"I—um," Quinn faltered on the other end of the line.

"What I don't know is," Santana continued, "why you didn't tell me."

It was a little moment before Quinn finally answered with, "I didn't want you to think I was, I don't know, leaving you to deal with Clockwork yourself while I took some sort of... vacation."

Santana blinked, actually surprised. "That's ridiculous. I know they pulled you for that conference because you're the shit. Having you lady friend be able to drop everything and leave with you is just a bonus, I would never hold that against you, Q."

"I didn't know how you'd take it," Quinn admitted quietly. "We never talk about this kind of thing."

"That was before," Santana shrugged even though she was alone in her basement, "when you were only dating members of Douchebags Anonymous."


"It's the truth," Santana laughed, "and Rachel is... alright."

"I guess that's a compliment coming from you," Quinn snorted.

"I don't really know her as much as I'd like to," Santana mumbled awkwardly, "I mean, if you guys are going to... be a thing, or whatever."

Quinn paused and Santana wondered if Rachel was in the room, "I think there's a good chance of that."

"Then," Santana's fingers paused on her keyboard, "after this feature business, we should all do something together. You, me, Rachel... and Brittany."

Quinn didn't need any more explanation than that.

"That would be great," there was a smile in Quinn's voice, and Santana almost blushed. "Really, that would be perfect, Santana."

They fell into an easy silence, picturing the future. Before she could get too wrapped up in it, Santana cleared her throat and asked, "So, about the article."

"Right, of course," Quinn's demeanor changed into a business-like attitude and their heart to heart was put behind them, "I have someone we can trust tracking it. She's going to update me daily for the next week, but if we haven't heard anything by the end of the day tomorrow, we should be in the clear."

"Good," Santana was grateful for the reassurance. She knew Quinn had people close to her in the PR department that would keep this from getting to the wrong set of ears.

"How are you?" Quinn's voice softened a little. "About everything?"

"I'm fine Q," Santana sighed, "really, I can take care of myself."

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