Chapter 18

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"Are you staying back here?"

They had taken refuge in Clockwork's employee cubical, in the back of the convention center, while Santana prepared for one of her few showings. She was glad that she didn't have a full schedule this time, it gave her a lot more time to be with Brittany, just walking around and pointing out what they liked and disliked about the other showings, almost acting like a normal couple.

"Why would I stay back here?" Brittany asked from where she was leaning against a cheap folding table. She watched Santana's fingers wrestle to clip the microphone receiver onto the back of her skirt. "Let me get this."

She stepped forward, capturing the device and one of Santana's wrists in her hands. She met the dark brown eyes in the mirror hanging on the wall and, after a short breath, Santana surrendered the receiver. Brittany was able to adjust the clip and fix it to the her skirt easily.

She didn't linger because she knew Santana was trying to focus on her presentation and that anyone could walk into the cubical at any time. Crossing her arms to keep them to herself, Brittany wandered towards the wall and leaned against it causally. She could feel Santana watching her and she didn't hesitate to meet her eyes again.

Santana's ducked her head shyly. She couldn't hold Brittany's eyes when she said this, "If you're watching, I'm going to get nervous."

Brittany laughed and Santana glared with a blush on her face.

"I'm being serious, Brittany."

"Santana, you give these presentations all the time," she chuckled.

"Yeah, but I actually care about your opinion," Santana muttered, smoothing down the front of her shirt and adjusting her sleeve cuffs.

Brittany's smile turned from teasing to flattered in an instant, "Santana, I'm just one more person in the audience."

"I know," she pulled on her blazer and worked the buttons expertly. Pulling down the hem, Santana gave herself one more look in the mirror, "You're right, I'm being stupid."

"You're not being stupid," Brittany pushed off the wall and moved closer, "you're just being silly."

"What's the difference?"

"Besides the fact that I hate that word," Brittany smiled lightly, "you know that they're completely different things."

Santana watched the blonde come closer, reaching out confidently. Her hands settled around each of Santana's lapels, running her thumbs gently over the material.

"You know this stuff like you know your shoe size, and totally better than anyone else out there," she continued in a soft voice. "I've seen you do this before, you were so confident up there, it was honestly, so sexy."

Santana flushed, ducking her head and biting her lip to hide her bashful smile. She loved that Brittany could say things like that, and it made her warm and her knees week. It made her feel beautiful. Not objectified or lusted over, but actually wanted, adored, sexy.

"You're going to be amazing out there," Brittany kissed her forehead softly, "and I would love to see it."

"Fine," Santana agreed in a shy voice.

Brittany grinned excitedly and Santana felt the corners of her lips perk up at the sight. Her smiles were so contagious. Santana bit the inside of her cheek and tried to get herself together. She wasn't about to give her presentation with a unruly smile on her face the whole time, it wouldn't do her reputation any favors.


Santana lead them onto the main floor, Brittany still had a little trouble navigating the mess of cubicles and halls.

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