Chapter 3

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Until she got word form Clockwork about the Santana Lopez feature, Brittany was put back to work reporting on other, less important, things.

She didn't really care about the city's mayor opting to not run for reelection after the affair with his publicist came to light. The story was decent though, she found it more interesting than her friend's piece on new cameras in the subway system. At least hers was about people, if she had the option, Brittany would always prefer to write about people. They were so much more interesting.

She sighed, leaning back in her chair, looking around her cubicle. She really needed to move up in the world. A small chime alerted her to a new email. Brittany recognized it as the email address of Quinn Fabray, the one she used when they were coordinating the convention interview. It looked like they had their answer. In the email, Quinn asked Brittany to forgive them for the delay in response, siting that neither Santana or the executives of Clockwork can take this decision lightly.

They had been approved to draft a rough copy of a time-line for the coverage and contract for Brittany. Then compiling that information, along with the motivations to do the project, Brittany, Santana, and Quinn would have to pitch the idea to the board of directors at Clockwork Technologies. Quinn gave her a date of the pitch and asked if the time would work for her and her superiors. She also asked Brittany over to dinner the day after tomorrow to hash out a contract draft.

Brittany ran her lip between her teeth. She wasn't the best public speaker in the world. Pitching ideas, especially her own, never came easy to her. She would have to ask for help if she wanted to do this right, and she did, badly. Brittany forwarded the email and stood from her desk, smoothing out her blouse and skirt. She was nervous already and the meeting with Clockworks directors wasn't scheduled until next week.

She moved through the maze of cubicles quietly, making sure not to disturb anyone from their writing. Looking around to make sure her editor wasn't anywhere to be seen, Brittany started down the hall to the office marked Editor-in-Chief. Brittany knew she was jumping over her editor's head by going directly to the top, but she knew this was necessary. Her editor wasn't really in the loop about Clockwork anyway.

She made it to the door and wasn't surprised to find it ajar. The open door policy here was great.

Brittany poked her head in and glanced around, "Rachel?"

"Brittany, I'm reading your email right now," Rachel waved her forward from the desk, "come in, come in, have a seat."

Brittany closed the door behind her and sank into a plush chair in from the her boss's boss's desk. Rachel was still squinting at the monitor of her computer, taking time to find the mentioned dates in her well used day planer, and jot down small reminders about them. The book's pages were filled with sticky notes, colorful ink, and playbill cut outs.

"We'll have to work quickly to get this together," Rachel narrowed her eyes in a determined manner. "Do you have an outline we can use as a basis for this pitch?"

"I do," Brittany nodded, "I paper clipped it to the email."

Rachel glanced at the blonde in front of her, then to the email, "Oh, you mean the attached file."

"Yeah," she blushed a little. If she didn't know proper email lingo, how was Rachel going to trust her with this feature on someone that worked with computers for a living.

Rachel about to doubt her though, she was too busy reading over Brittany's outline, "This looks great Britt, exactly what I wanted to see."

A copy of her outline printed out behind Rachel's desk and the small brunette spun in her chair to snatch it up as it finished.

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