Chapter 14

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She had almost kissed her.

That woman, the blonde, sitting in the chair next to Kurt. The one looking over her photos with such a soft affection that Santana didn't even think she could find fault in herself for trying.

"Have you two slept together yet?"

Santana's jaw fell open, fixing Tina with a indignantly stare, "Excuse me?"

"I guess not," Tina chuckled. "Hold still."

She reached forward to adjust a small curl of dark hair. Santana frowned, her eyes shifting back to Brittany. Was it that obvious that they had chemistry? Could someone get the wrong, or right, idea about them?

"I can feel the sexual tension between you two."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she shifted on her heels.

That, of course, was a blatant lie. Even from across the set she could feel Brittany's presence in the room, it was like that one moment in the dressing room had reorientated her entire being to the blonde. Every time Brittany moved her eyes were drawn to the movement. She wanted to catch every smile, every time she touched her hair, every laugh she shared with Kurt.

Santana wanted it all, but right now she needed to focus.

"What is this set all about anyway?" Santana gestured to the archway around her. "Why am I standing next to this door with a phone? I feel like I was just stood up, and I'm calling to find out why they ditched my ass."

"Don't pick apart my sets," Tina frowned, "come on, I'm going to start up again."

Santana brought the PDA to her ear, ready to get this over with.

"Adjust your grip, I can't see the logo."

Santana rolled her eyes, and as she did, she heard the unmistakable click of a shutter sounding.


It was only moments before Brittany and Kurt started giggling at the computer booth.

"That eye-roll is her signature look," Kurt teased, winking at the brunette from across the set.

"Very classy," Brittany agreed, she sent Santana a lighthearted smile across the set. To anyone else it might have just been a smile, but Santana saw the subtle affection in her eyes. Santana flushed, under her gaze and turned to glare at the photographer. She heard another shot being taken.

"Tina, knock it off," Santana huffed as her friends started laughing again.

"Alright, alright," she smiled back up at Santana, "please pose for me."

Santana didn't answer her, she just readjusted the way she was holding the PDA and went back to work. This was their last set and she just wanted to get out of this dress and out of this studio. It only took about another twenty minutes to get the shot Tina needed, and Santana was so grateful for it. She took a relieved breath and excused herself to the locker room in the back to wash off the makeup on her face and the product out of her hair.

"Which one is your favorite Britt?" Kurt asked, clicking through the photos.

She didn't have to think about it, "This set, by far."

She pointed to a group of photos, a close up of Santana with a Bluetooth earpiece and a PDA, "It's like the classic Audrey Hepburn pose, but instead of a cigarette holder, it's a cellphone."

"It's so hard to get her to play along with those," Tina laughed, "she hates pouting her lips."

"She doesn't really have to, does she?" Brittany asked quietly, her mouth getting away from her. She blushed and tried to save face, "I mean, they're kind of naturally pouty."

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