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It's been two hours passed as the first phase started. It's over thirty kilometers from the start. None of them knows how far they must go. They are forced to run at the leader's pace.

Many applicants dropped out due to exhaustion. They're like flies that are slowly dropping on the floor.

'I underestimated the Hunter Exam. Every person here is a monster. It's a gathering of monsters...' Leorio thought as a two kids riding a skateboards passed on his side.

"Hey! Wait up, kids!" Leorio called out.

"Hmm?" The albino haired boy hummed.

"You should show the Hunter Exam some respect!" Leorio exclaimed, this caught the interest of the black haired kid besides the albino haired kid. They looked on their shoulder to get a perfect view of Leorio.

"What do you mean?" The snow haired boy asked.

"Why are you two using a skateboard? That's cheating!"

"Why?" The albino haired kid asked. He simply didn't care at all.

"You.none.business.old geezer." The black haired insulted as the viper on his neck hissed at Leorio.

Of course, Leorio was terrified and annoyed because of their behavior. Especially there's a viper clinging on the black haired kid's neck who hissed at you.

"This is an endurance test!" Leorio concluded.

"So?" The black haired male asked. He liked to annoy this man.

"No, it isn't!" Gon exclaimed from their backs which caught the attention of the three, especially the twins.

"Huh?" Leorio muttered "Gon, what are you saying?"

"The examiner only told us to follow him." Gon said.

"Whose side are you on, eh?" Leorio barked back as he was sweating nervously.

The albino haired kid and the black haired kid nodded at each other and slow down their skateboards backwards towards Gon.

"Hey; how old are you?" The albino haired kid asked.

"I'm twelve years old." Gon replied.

"Hmmm.." this caught attention of the twins as they looked at each other and smiled and looked back at Gon.

'We're the same age.'

"Huh?" Gon muttered as he gave them a smile.

Suddenly, the two jumped from their skateboards with a trick and successfully catch it as they began running.

"Guess we'll run too." The albino haired kid said.

"Wow!That was cool!" Gon exclaimed in awe.

"I'm Killua."


"I'm Gon."

(Y/N) was shocked by their new friend Gon who wasn't scared of them, especially that he had a viper clinging on his neck.

"You. No. Scared. Snake?" (Y/N) asked at Gon, he was lazy to open his mouth and he think that those words will do.

Gon didn't understant at first and Killua whispered something to him which he makes fully understand.

"No, I'm not! Your snake looks cool!" Gon chirped causing (Y/N) to smile. His viper leaned on his ear it was like whispering something into him.

"Viper. Want. Gon. Friends." (Y/N) said while his snake looked at Gon.

"Sure!" Gon exclaimed happily.


This felt nice.

THE BLACK SHEEP // A Hunter X Hunter x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now