Chapter 2- Everything falls into place

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Harry's POV
I looked over at kaycee and zayn shaking hands. I must admit for a moment there i kind of wanted to kill zayn but when i look at kaycee's eyes that are currently glued on zayn, all i can see is FRIENDSHIP. 

They started exchanging jokes which made me more jealous. I HAD ENOUGH! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

"Hey guys dont you think its time going around the city instead of sitting around here waisting precious time??!" Those words flew right out of my mouth, and i can tell theyre getting quit annoyed

"We have plenty of time grumpy pants!" Zayn said jokingly, kaycee laugh at his silly joke.. what? does that even make sense? I should be the one making her laugh not him! That should be me making her smile not zayn!

"Im just saying zayn, dont you think you and kaycee should stop flirting and get to work!" They shot me stares when i said that. I could tell kaycee was going to explode, GREAT, JUST GREAT! Now she probably thinks thats im one of those rude, stubborn popbutts!

"We are not flirting! I was just laughing at his jokes harry, wow! your so judgemental!!Youre such a jerk! You know what, tell me where you guys want to go and lets go there and after that i definitely dont want to see you again!" Tears starting to form in her eyes, so she ran out. The boys ran after her while they shot me dirty looks. That broke my heart i couldnt even look at her after that. I blew my chance

The boys came back with kaycee beside Zayn again. Kaycee shot me a death glare, Now all i can feel is hate coming from her. Nice going styles! Nice going!

"So guys, where do you want to go first?" This time kaycee was a little calmer than before but she was looking at liam now.

"Uhmm maybe you could take us to the mall" liam said formally. "YUP! SHOPPING!!!!!" Louis said with glee. Okay this is my chance to impress Kaycee. This time Iam going to make sure she's going to be mine!

Kaycee called her friend Allison to take us to the mall. I need to get Zayn as far away from kaycee as possible, and then make her fall for me. 

I know its kind of selfish but i cant help it! I have to do this. For kaycee. I guess people do, do stupid things when theyre inlove.

Allison's POV

My phone rang in the middle of ballet practice, fortunately our instructor today was not strict and she allowed me to take the phone call.

"Hello?" I mumbled into the phone to determine who was calling I could have sworn I forgot to look at the name before i answered it.

"Hey allie!!!! I need your help ASAP!Im taking the boys to the mall and you know im not a mall person and i dont even know where the mall is" suprisingly Kaycee called asking for help

"Kaycee I would love to but im in the middle of practice, I cant just leave" Im not going to leave practice, they could give my part to Mary Jane (the blonde bimbo.the reason why josh and I broke up). No! I cant let that happen! Not in this life time!

"Come on Allie! Puhlease!! Puhlease!! Phulease!! Niall is here!" I couldnt help but freeze, the thought of niall hanging out with me was just so tempting. 

"Okay! Okay, ill be there in a minute,wait for me." I gave in, still a little hesitant but whats the worst that can happen. 

I drove off to the agency where I saw kaycee waiting anxously. "Hey kaycee! Over here!" I said practically yelling for her. She walked towards me with five familiar faces, it didnt took me too long to recognize it was one direction. I tried my best to stay calm but I couldnt help but let out a scream. 

Ahhhh!!! OH MY GOD!!! Its ONE DI- Kaycee covered my mouth not even letting me finish.

"They need to keep a low profile Allie, so dont just scream there name like your on the top of the world" kaycee said nervously.

Oh im so so so so sorry!!" i basically pleaded them. I didnt want there first impression of me to be just another screaming fangirl.

Its okay babe! BTW im niall! a irish- accented voice said with a huge hug! i wanted to faint but i couldnt!! Inside i was mentally hyper ventilating. did niall just hug me? 

"okay guys lets go, im driving" With that niall rushed to the passengers seat of my car like it was some birthday gift. 

The ride to the mall was anything but quite. Niall was joking around which made us laugh big time while we sang along to my favorite song "if you ever come back" by the script.  I couldnt help but blush because I could feel niall's eyes burning into my soul.

I turned to view the guys just to make sure everything was okay but it looks like harry has a "thing" for kaycee. nice! Zayn and the other boys were checking our "bff photo collage" 

Harry looking at kaycee (external link to the right)

I heard them make weird comments like "I like how the brunnete looks in here" liam said talking about seph.. wow liam likes seph! nice!
another comment was "The ginger is beautiful!" louis said i nearly screamed when i heard this last two comments "maddison's lovely!" zayn commented "nearly perfect like alli" niall said. i couldnt believe i was driving with one direction and niall said im nearly perfect! omg!

Niall's reaction is to the right!

"Really? hahhah nice joke niall" i felt my cheeks lighten to a bright shade of red. "ITS NOT A JOKE BABE, IM DEAD SERIOUS" did niall just call me babe? omg! "RIGHT!" I was trying my best to pretend im not blushing.

We arrived at the mall just in time for lunch. We go into the mall and the first place we looked for was the food court. We were all eager to go but Niall was the most eager.He couldnt wait any longer so he ran to the elevator dragging us along.

"Some one's a little hungry today!" Niall said laughing his his irish but off. We all laugh as we reached the food court. 

As we reached the food court we see Maddison, Carrie, And persephone at a table. we decided to join them knowing that this is going to be interesting.

Hi there! I believe your maddison? zayn called out to maddie 

This is going to be amazing

Maddison's POV

I couldnt believe my eyes it's Zayn Malik, the love of my life, the man of my dreams, my future husband- or so do i imagine him to be. Why is he with allie and kaycee? Okay i must remain calm, Okay maddie dont freak out, dont scream, okay. I finally had the courage to swallow the choken up feleling i was getting and  said hi back like a normal person would do. 

"So your Kaycee's friends? We have heard tons about you. I personally like hearing things about you maddison. Would you do me the honors of probably introducing your self properly to me." I chocked out when Zayn said that. I felt like i was sinking in my seat, melting.

I allowed the question to sink in for a moment and i finally got the answer. Here  goes nothing.. "oh. uh-i- we yeah we and kaycee are bestfriends. I guess she does talks a lot about us, uhmm well im maddison you could call me maddie, if you want, cause i probably understand if you dont cause we just met an-

I was cut off when i heard a soft matter squeeze my hand. Zayn malik is holding or should i say squeezing my hand now. I feel amazing at this point.

"I'd love to discuss this over dinner tonight. Would you care to join me tonight? " Did zayn malik just asked me out... okay im gonna let that sink in first. And it hit me Zayn malik is definitely asking me out! 

Believe me when i say this i wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but i couldnt. So i just took plan B.

"I'd love to" okay yeah, that was plan B. I know its horrifyingly boring. whatever!

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