Chapter 9- All the bad luck in the world

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Maddison’s POV

I heard the final click of the camera as the flash goes on for one more time. the director greets us with applause for a job well done yet again. I ran to the parking lot very quickly as I ignite the ignition of the car.

I decided to stop by at starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and maybe shopping afterwards. What? Im a shopaholic!

I slammed my foot gently on the brakes, making my car stop,obeying the blinking red stop light. I ran my fingers through my hair in stress. So many things are wrong in my life. Im a college student, not necessarily the best one but just enough to pass and I have to pay all of my expenses, thanks mom and dad!

Don’t get me wrong I love my job its just that people in the business are such attention seeking whores!

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheels in frustration as the stop light keeps on blinking, mocking me with its slowness. It was probably the longest stop light I have ever been in and to add to that theres an enourmous traffic ahead, GREAT! JUST! GREAT! (NOTE THE SARCASM).

“All I want is my damn coffee! Is that too much to ask for!!” I yelled in frustration making bystanders and other drivers looked at me in sheer confusion. I face palmed myself as I groaned.

After a couple more minutes of plain torture the red light decided to finally turn into a green one!! Horrah! FINALLY!!. Id be dammed if I don’t get my coffee sooner!! I stepped on it and hurry down to the nearest coffee shop.

Turns out the nearest coffee shop is about 20 miles away.. guess ill have to keep myself entertained or id go bonkers.. seriously..

I turned the radio on and searched for acceptable channels.. thankfully I found a channel that plays music from this millennium! Halleluia! Luckily they played “Little things” which made me jump up for joy! Thank god! Something to brighten up my day!!

After the song ended I did a double take,listening carefully as I heard HIS VOICE.. HIS ANGELIC BEAUTIFUL ABSOULOTELY PERFECT VOICE!! The one and only zayn malik!! I was getting teary eyed! First little things now this! Ahhhh!! Fangirl mode:on.

The interviewer rambled on with some questions, the same question asked on interviews and Zayn answered each and every one of them exactly the same. A QUESTION came up that actually caught my attention.

“so tell me Zayn, do you have someone in your life at this moment?” the interviewer asked sweetly and by her strong accent you can immediately tell that she was infact irish.

“uhmm theres this one girl I really really like.” He answered making me cringed. I felt my heart pounding by the second nearly jumping out of my chest. Could it possibly be me?

“do you mind telling us the name of this lucky lady?” the interviewer followed up. Thank god for irish ladies! My excitement grew higher and higher and my grin was about to reach my ears in happiness.

“uhmm her-her name is allie- Allison waltz” my excitement quickly dropped and my grin was replaced with a frown. Wh-what? Did he just say.. Allison!??!? Don’t get me wrong she’s beautiful, but why her? She’s practically inlove with niall! Why her?!? From all the girls he could love he choose my bestfriend!?

“Allie, if your hearing this, I love you.. from the moment we first met I know you were the one. I know we only have been friends for a while now but, I think,no scratch that, I know I love you, you may not feel the same way but I still will try my best to turn that around.” The interviewer aww’d as I was left there frozen. I turned the radio off not wanting to hear any more of it.

I felt hot tears escape my eyes. I felt my world crashing in a matter of seconds. How could one boy have this effect on my life? WHY DID HE FALL INLOVE WITH MY BESTFRIEND? Why did I ever love ZAYN MALIK!?!?

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