Chapter 10- A baby, A gun, an old friend and a wet fish!??

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<----1 day later---------->

Jades POV

W e all sat their across each other me and Harry on one side, Liam, Persephone, Niall, Allison,Louis, Maddie across us. I glared at each and every one of them, there's no point in hiding the fact that they hate me and I hate them, right? Oh, Jade that wench is what they all think of me.

But why cant everyone just accept the fact that im meant for harry and kaycee isn't?!?! Stupidity must run in this friendship. I have an idea, an idea that not anyone in this room can think of, How about we all move on with our lives?? SIMPLE RIGHT? But NO.. THEY just have to dwell in the past like the stupid little teenagers they are.

Kaycee walked out a minute ago. Guess she cant handle the fact that me and Harry are meant for each other.

Oh God this is annoying, ever since Kaycee walked out of the room Harry hasn't stopped fidgeting with his fingers and Liam hasn't stopped playing with the stupid lamp. *CRASH* Well that's what you get for playing with a lamp pretty boy.

I heard the door open, only to reveal kaycee with a stupid smirk on her face. She both looks at us, (me and harry) and grins like a two year old getting her first popsicle.

"Well aren't we all silent today?" Kaycee says with a stupid high pitched voice. Sarcasm obvious in her voice.

"What do you expect, that we'll party like its Friday?" Harry sasses back at her making her flinch for a second. But then she smirks again, devilishly this time.

"Well I'd just expect an announcement you know? What the point in hiding you and Jade's relationship. Might as well declare it to the whole world, cause its just that obvious" she laughs making harry reached his boiling point. He clenched his fist and frowns at her

"That's it!! I can understand that your mad, but no need to be a bitch about it!" harry yells making kaycee bit the inner part of her cheeks. That's right let that sink it. Harry's mine now.

"Oh.. your calling me a bitch? Why don't you talk a look at the person beside you!" She retorts growling at harry making harry toss his hands up in the air in anger.

"Why me?? Can we do a double check on who suddenly decided to barge in and shout like its new years eve??"I taunt at her as she rolled her eyes


"ohhhhh.... Wow.. jade's mad for me barging in.. why don't you ask yourself who suddenly barged in on our relationship??" She shouts at me even though I said it calmly.

"ohh I didn't know you were together..Last time I checked you two weren't even a couple! " I smirked at her as she plops down beside maddie.

"OOOH, You just got owned." The irish-dude points out making me laugh.

"Shut it or I'll bring out the WET FISH AND SLAP YOU WITH IT! She threatens niall as she smirks.

"Well its true." Niall says quietly. Maybe they all aren't that stupid after all.

"whatever!" kaycee said while she fidgets with her phone.

The door slams open. "What did I miss??!?!!??" Zayn said making maddie and Allison look up. Love sick nuggets.. really???!

"Everything." Seph says bluntly as she gives him the middle finger. Wow moody much??

"Okaay.wait why are harry and Jade sitting on one side and the others all cramped up in the other side?" have you all lost your common sense?" zayn gives us a disbelieving look.

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