03. The Bad Ones

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I couldn't keep still as I was shaking horribly at the target. I'd thought I heard Thomas whimper as he struggled to be released. They kept him in a tight grasp as the man behind him had his hands over Thomas's mouth. I wanted to lunge at them, but I couldn't act so stupidly, especially when a large barrel of a gun was being pointed to my forehead.

"Drop the gun!" the man ordered with bulging eyes.

I didn't let myself lose sight of them. I stepped further inside the large room as I gripped my gun tighter, already feeling sweat building up in my palms. "Let go of my brother first!" I yelled as we circled each other in the room.

The man laughed. "Not until you drop your damn gun."

I diverted my eyes around the room, still keeping focus on the man and Thomas. The room was fairly empty, with dusty floorboards, a bit of furniture, and old faded boxes with contents written on the sides of them. They haven't been here long, I thought.

I saw Thomas shudder as he squeezed the man's arms in frustration. He tried to kick his feet, but the man didn't seem to budge or flinch. I let my fingers relax and then I nodded at them, lowering my gun just when another muffle came from Thomas.

A hard object met the back of my head. I stumbled forward and let my body twist around as I swung the tip of my pistol at the second figure. Another firm hand shoved me out of the way as I slammed against a hard wall, but fired my gun at the last second.

Thomas drove his arm back, striking the tall guy in the stomach as he then collapsed onto the floor, crawling away from the man. Screams filled the room as the second man brushed up against the wall, shouting a slur of words at me. I'd thought I saw a pool of blood as I tried to gain focus and stirred up to my wobbly feet.

I whipped my head back the second I heard quick footsteps and tried to move out of the way, only to be caught by a set of muscular arms. My stomach hardened once I felt a solid fist, dropping the gun from my hand. I pulled at his arm, and we thudded to the hard floor. I let out a grunt as the tall man pinned me to the floor with both hands.

"Dammit, that stupid girl...!" the wounded man complained, keeping pressure on the blood that dripped from his left leg. He leaned against a fallen table, baring his teeth back at me like an angry dog.

"I can't believe you got shot by a fucking kid," the man above me said. "Get the hell up and help me with her," he called to the other dude.

They brought me up to my aching feet, practically floating on air as the tall man lifted me on top of his shoulder. He dropped me to my feet and clenched my wrists together, pushing me against the wall as he dug out rope from his bag. "Bring the other kid here," he ordered to his injured friend.

The injured man gradually limped towards Thomas, who was crouched behind some furniture as they took hold of his hoodie and shoved him next to me. The tall man slipped off our backpacks and tossed them across the floorboard. The rope pierced through my skin, making him tighten it harder as he noticed me flinch.

There's only two of them. I glanced at Thomas and saw the cut on his right cheek and a bit of blood on his small hands. It made my chest heave, and I wanted to spring out of this spot and act on impulse.

"I didn't see anyone else with them," the man said, as he finished tying my ankles. I tried kicking my leg, but he grabbed my foot in time. "I wouldn't consider that a good idea," he stared.

I swallowed hard and gently cleared my throat. "Please let us go," I said, leaning forward as I tried to sound naïve. "We didn't mean to intrude."

He narrowed his eyes. "That's what every other person has said that ran into us. But I don't think you're well aware, so let me make it clear. This place belongs to us. And you know what happens when you steal what isn't yours. You get punished for it. After you shot my friend Ronald over there, I'm not so sure if we should let you two go so easily," he said, glaring at my eyes and looking right at Thomas next.

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