Dean gave me all the details.
Provided that everything goes according to the plan, we would be able to make it back before nightfall. The farthest anyone went on was a three-day trip. It was to retrieve back fuel and most importantly, food. We wouldn't make it past winter without more supplies.
Noah's words from yesterday replayed like a tape in the back of my head. Know your place, Scarlet. It was all I could think of when I woke up in the morning, letting his voice pass by my other thoughts like an off and on button.
But I hardly had a choice. I didn't understand Dean's system completely, whether he rolled a dice to decide, or went down a list alphabetically. Dean granted me his trust, but it wouldn't change what Noah said; I am the reason we're going. I had to be the one to go with them.
Ashley emerged by my side, her canvas backpack slung over her shoulder. She flashed me a simple smile and half a glare, then proceeded to make her way towards Dean and Noah, who were in the middle of explaining something to the guards.
She received a note from a few women who required sanitary products and insisted on tagging along. She left so abruptly the other day and came back as if she wasn't nervous that morning. She said not a word to me and went on with her work duties.
A teenage girl spoke to me privately, asking if there was a way I could find some baby formula. She looked about a year older than me, with pretty long hair and dark circles under her eyes; she must not be getting enough sleep. The crook of her arm was pressed against the baby's head as she cradled the child.
"Sure," I said, jotting it down on a small piece of paper.
"Thank you so much!" she expressed, holding my hand and giving it a squeeze. Her eyes lowered to her baby as she sighed. "He's been cranky lately and doesn't have much formula left. It's been hard to find some around this town."
"It's not a problem," I explained and met the baby's gigantic brown eyes. "It's the least I can do... for your baby."
It gurgled back at me, smiling sheepishly with drool building on its lips. With gentle care, the young mother lifted her baby and began patting its back to help it burp before settling it on her chest.
A deep voice pulled me back. I faced Dean, who pointed his finger at me while Noah leaned forward at the hood of a car, carefully studying a large map. He laid it out for me, giving me strict instructions and directions to where we were going. The mall was in the middle of the city. It was the largest mall I had ever heard about. It had two-stories and several entrances to get in. None of us were sure if the place would be infected with the undead. We just had to be prepared, no matter what could occur.
Liam stopped by to see us before we left. It was the first time I saw him walking instead of lying in bed in agony. He extended his hand for a shake and personally thanked me. He held his stomach with his hand as he limped slightly. His light brown hair almost appeared golden in the daylight... and soft.
The doctor arrived the same day he woke up from his surgery. Dr. Owen, as Dean told me, went to find more medicine to bring back. He was the only one who knew which medications we would need, and he left on his own taking just a pistol and a knife with him.
The road was blocked. The entire place that Dr. Owen had to pass through was destroyed. It was a bridge, more precisely. He had to take many detours to find what he needed, all while being followed by a big horde.
"You should have informed me through the radio," Dean complained. "I could have sent help to you. Liam's life was on the line and we could have lost you."
"I'm sure none of us expected any of that to happen and Liam's alright. I examined his wound and gave him some painkillers," Dr. Owen said. "But I had it under control. You know that. I've been through worse case scenarios and know my way around."

The Ruins Of Tomorrow
Horror[Book One] [Currently going through major editing and rewriting] "Are we all swept by fear and regret?" *** Civilization has collapsed. Stuck in a dangerous outbreak between the living and an infection eating out humanity, turning them into vicious...