Ashley and Gabrian wanted to talk.
I met them inside the pantry and if I didn't know any better it felt like I was going to be in trouble. Seeing Ashley again was a surprise, since she didn't enjoy seeing my face and has been avoiding me for a while. She still looked sick and pale. I wanted to ask how she was doing, but there was something on her mind that has been bothering her for some time. I decided it was best to not ask or say anything. I didn't want to become an annoyance to everyone.
Her arm looked better. She didn't look like she was struggling to move it like before. It was all good news, but there was still a heavy weight on my shoulders. My mind felt blank and sad. I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened yesterday. I didn't know what to do, or if I should try doing something instead of staying silent.
I wanted Lia to trust me. I really did. I wanted her to be okay. I hadn't seen her this morning yet, which told me she was still with Benjamin. I didn't know how much time was left before... before the worst was to happen. I wanted to cry just thinking about it.
"People are suspecting things," Gabrian broke the silence.
I lifted my head up. Ashley leaned against the wall, keeping her head low as if the sunlight was bothering her. She kept rubbing her temple to smooth the headache she must have been feeling.
"What have you heard?" I asked.
He looked over his shoulder and got close to my face. "More people are noticing the situation we are in. They keep saying that ever since Dean took you and your brother in that things have been going downhill."
"I think I've heard that more than once already," I said and looked at Ashley.
"It's one thing saying that, but others have been accusing you of sneaking supplies outside the walls," Ashley finally spoke.
"God... can't I get a break these days?" I mumbled and turned around. "Do you guys believe that?"
"It doesn't matter what we think," Ashley said, walking towards me. "What matters is you have a huge target on your back. Whatever happens next to Terrenceville, all eyes are going to be on you. You're like a ticking time bomb and one of these days, you're going to run out of time."
Gabrian grabbed Ashley's arm. "Hey, we agreed to talk to her and not threaten her."
I gulped and backed away. I just wanted to crawl back to bed and not come out. I didn't want to hear anymore of this. I didn't know someone like me would be the main reason things have been going terribly wrong. Was it bad luck? They didn't need to believe me. Maybe it doesn't matter what I say or do. In the end, it's their choice what they believe.
"Scarlet, you saved us," Gabrian said. "You were the chick who saved me and Lia at the gas station. We went out to gather more supplies. You fought with us to survive."
"Sometimes it doesn't feel like I helped at all," I said. "It doesn't matter how much I did for everyone. Because maybe Ashley is right..."
"I don't need you to repeat it, Gabrian," I blurted. "You can say it as many times as you want, but it's not going to change how everyone thinks of me already."
Maybe no one had to believe me. Maybe it would just be easier to have a target on my back just so everyone else would feel safe. Someone would have to be the sacrifice in the end. I wouldn't need to bother explaining my side, but even if I did, it still wouldn't matter.
"It's alright," I said, touching his shoulder as he looked at me with a saddened gaze. "You don't need to defend me or say anything to help. You should just ignore me from now on, or else others will assume you're on my side."
I saw Ashley storm out of the building. She looked like she was in a rush, or rather, got tired of this conversation already. I walked Gabrian to the door before he lifted his hand. I had to think for a second until I realized he was waiting for me to do the same thing and gave me a fist bump.
He smiled slightly at me. "I really don't care what the others say. They don't know everything. So I'm still going to be on your side. Whether or not you approve."
I nodded, as I saw him leave out of the door. I closed it behind him and walked around the shelves until I reached the desk. Before I got here, Ashley was already stacking some new boxes on top of each other and labeling them. I didn't know if she would come back to lock up, as I didn't have a key to do it myself.
I grabbed two of the boxes to take to the backroom where the freezers were located. I didn't want to do too much in case Ashley would make a fuss about it and complain about why I even bothered to help.
I tried twisting the knob to the door but something about it felt difficult. I used my back to push it open, but it was like something was blocking me from the other side. I had to set the boxes down to try again. The door still wouldn't open all the way, but I knew it wasn't locked.
"You gotta be kidding me..." I mumbled.
My heart was pounding through my chest when I heard something on the other side. I turned to my right and saw a pair of scissors on the shelf and I reached for them quickly. I gripped them tightly in my hand and pressed my ear against the door when I heard another rumble, like something was being moved.
I tried pushing the door again with both of my hands when it just barely moved. I took a peek at the small gap as the lights in the backroom were flickering, but still fairly dark. I couldn't see much but tall shelves and a blur in the distance.
I sucked in a cold breath and balled my fists before using all my strength to push the door. I kept pushing until I felt something move and until I heard a crack coming from the other side. The gap was now just barely wide enough to slide through. As I slipped through the opening I felt something hit my foot causing me to fall over a stack of cans scattered around the floor.
I picked myself up when I felt the chill of a cold breeze passing through the room. I looked towards the freezers to see some of them were open and empty. It was dark, but I tried to make sense of what I could see. I saw more shelves and boxes stacked on tables. Some of them were sealed and labeled with dates. Then I saw a few bags stashed in the corner next to the exit door.
I went around a big table in the middle of the room while gripping the scissors. I dashed towards the bags and opened one of them to inspect what was inside. I saw first aid kits, water bottles, a map, and more supplies in all of them. They all looked like the stuff that we've been reporting as missing, stuff we were worried was being smuggled out.
The backroom echoed as I heard a click behind me. I lifted my hands in the air and slowly turned around as I froze. Someone was pointing a gun at my head. I saw another bag over their shoulders as they took a step closer. Their eyes went wide as if they saw a ghost. They snatched off the earphones that dangled below their shoulders and shoved them and an iPod into their bag.
The lights flickered as I tried to focus on my breathing. I tried to see who it was, but they had a scarf over their mouth and nose. They also had short hair touching the tip of their ears. They wore a dark colored hoodie that was torn a little on the side and covered in blood. I couldn't figure out why, but something about it looked so familiar.
I slowly moved towards them, and they quickly backed away. I saw the stitching on the sweater they wore underneath and a similar embroidery design at the bottom that I immediately recognized. Something in the back of my head clicked and I couldn't find the right words to say to them.
"You weren't supposed to be the one here," they said. "I was looking forward to a fight with Ashley, actually."
"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, feeling my heart shrink.
"I'm finishing things," they said and took a step closer until I reached the back of a wall.
I stared at them with confusion and hurt. My mouth fell open slightly as my gaze wandered around and then back to their green eyes. " were who I saw walking with the horde. You were the one who attacked us at the pawnshop and the one luring the dead here. It was you, Lia."
She smiled sadly at me. "You out of all people should have known, Scarlet."

The Ruins Of Tomorrow
Horror[Book One] [Currently going through major editing and rewriting] "Are we all swept by fear and regret?" *** Civilization has collapsed. Stuck in a dangerous outbreak between the living and an infection eating out humanity, turning them into vicious...