Chapter 16: The Blood of the Alliance

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Ochako looked around from her position. Currently, her wrists and ankles were bound to a bed frame. All she could discern in the dark room was that it smelled like a gym. Strong scents of sweat masked by cheap cleaning chemicals. The bed she was stuck to had a very rough mattress, very little cushioning. The right side of her face was sore. Probably from her attacker. Of all the enemies she and her husband had made over the years, none had ever succeeded in something like this. The Hero Commission Agency database was extremely secure. Even computer hacking Quirks could not get into it so easily without being traced.

As her vision came back and her eyes adjusted to the darker room, she noticed a young woman about her age strapped to a bed next to her own. But this woman had a large pregnant belly and she was squirming around, forcing herself not to make much noise.

The sound of a large metal door opened out of view as two people entered the chamber.

"And how is our new guest?" A male voice asked, addressing Ochako. "Comfortable, Uravity?"

She stayed silent, giving the man who now stood in her line of sight a death glare.

"We haven't been able to run tests yet, but you seemed like the perfect candidate for the mother of our children." He said.

Children? Ochako had heard about cases like this. Horrible men kidnapping women and breeding child soldiers with their bodies. Her husband was looking for them.

"Y-Yo-" She tried to speak but her throat was swollen. Her attacker must have choked her until she fell unconscious!

Before he could give her the chance to speak, he turned his attention over to the other person who came into the room with him, a woman, standing over the other prisoner's swollen body.

"She tried to hide it, my love. She is in labor." The woman said with a wicked smile.

Ochako gasped, before choking on the same gasp.

"No! No-no-no!" The young woman shouted. "Leave me alone!" She screamed.

"Get ready, Miku. She's all yours." The man directed.

The woman positioned her arms between the woman's bare legs. "Push!"

The man grabbed the younger woman's face. "Do as she says." He hissed.

"Push now!" She ordered.

The woman screamed and cried as her body pushed forward.

"Breathe." He said.

After minutes of this struggle, a baby's cries were heard as the older woman pulled away holding a newborn in her arms. "It's a girl." She said.

"Perfect." The man smiled. "Congratulations, Huni. You're a new mother." He stepped over to the woman holding the baby. "Give her a higher dose. Her hormones have worked it out of her system."

"Okay but you take the baby." She snapped, pushing the infant into his arms as she marched over to a large locked cabinet. After unlocking and opening it, she pulled out a syringe with a bottle of mysterious liquid before marching back and sticking the needle into the new mother's neck, emptying the contents.

Ochako watched everything horrified.

The man looked back and met eyes with her. "I almost forgot about you." He smiled as he held the crying baby in his arms. "Don't worry, your turn will come."

The woman walked over to her bed and positioned the needle over her neck.

"H-Hokori-" She gasped.

Then the needle plunged into her skin, and her pupils dilated.

The man, Akira Hokori, and the woman, his wife Miku, stepped out of the dark room and locked the door before entering a large chamber full of men, women, and children.

"Attention everyone!" Akira alerted them all loudly. "Meet your new baby sister!" He held up the newborn baby for everyone to see.

The crowd cheered out loud.

"Today is a victory! We have a new little one who will join our ranks in the next coming years. The heroine Uravity is going to be a new mother for our generations. And the meddlesome heroes are caught in their own wild goose chases!"

They cheered again.

"And thanks to the efforts of our brothers in the government, Tanjiro Takei of the House of Councillors and Kane of the police force, our way of life will be respected and protected by the time we emerge from the shadows. And from there, we will take the world!" He shouted.

"Not so fast, Akira!"

He turned his attention to Jersey, Stone, and Eclipse who stomped their way up to the front of the room. "Deku still lives."

"His superiors have caged him like a misbehaved dog." Akira said.

"Do not get cocky! That is one mistake your grandfather never made!" Eclipse snapped.

Akira glared at him.

"As long as he lives, he is still a threat. He has a history of engaging even before he's given permission to do so. He was on the verge of discovering us!" The tentacle-Quirk villain explained.

"Him and that phasing Lemillion guy." Stone added. "He knocked me out! I could have gotten arrested!"

"Stone is the last of us you would want arrested." Eclipse leaned forward to whisper. "He doesn't keep secrets."

"Hey!" Stone shouted.

"Enough!" Akira snapped at them both. He handed the newborn to Miku before turning back to his henchmen. "If Deku concerns you so much, then destroy him. But you must do it with no witnesses. No security. Nothing. Everything we do, we do in secret from now on. Especially after the literal train wreck you caused."

Jersey snorted, smoke blew from his nostrils. "What about the girl? The UA student?"

"She was a lost cause. A diversion. Uravity holds much greater power." Akira said.

"You don't think we should further pursue her?" Eclipse asked.

"She could be connected to Deku." Stone added.

"The security at UA could not be more strict and tight. You wouldn't even get close." The dust-Quirk villain said.

"...Not with Deku still alive, at least." Eclipse thought out loud.

Akira's eyes widened. "We'll discuss that girl more. For now, kill Deku. I need to focus on 'converting' our new breeding mother."

The three bowed to Akira before exiting through the crowd.

But before the leader turned back to Ochako's prison door, he had a thought and pulled out his cell phone, calling up Tanjiro of the House. "Takei. Yes, it's me. What do you know of UA High School?"

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