Chapter 20: Eri & Satsuki VS the Teleporter

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Satsuki and Eri walked down to the arena along with the twenty eight other contestants. At this point in the festival, there were only a handful of UA students left among the crowds of international schools. So there were more eyes on them here than before.

When Present Mic announced them both, they had each given the other a comforting smile. But beneath that, neither of them wanted to break the idea that they could somehow win together.

"Satsi." Eri said, addressing her froggy classmate by her own nickname. "I don't care what Kota says. We can work together."

"Eri, I'd love to do that. But in seriousness, do you have a plan? Your Quirk isn't built for this kind of showing off." Satsuki was with Eri. Her only worries were obviously brought up.

"Deku didn't have full control of his Quirk during his first time. I'll just have to improvise." The silver haired girl said with a thumbs up.

Satsuki nodded. "I understand. But you shouldn't model everything you do after Deku."

Eri sighed. "I got this, okay?"

The froggy girl nodded again.

"Hey UA."

The two turned their heads to see a girl from an American hero school, as displayed on her unnecessarily tight sports uniform with the American flag. Come to think of it, her body was way too voluptuous for her to be a high schooler. It made cameras turn on her and flash at her every move. But she did not seem to mind the attention. In fact it looked as though she grew confidence from it.

"You're the only two from that prestigious dump for this round. So I'll be keeping an eye on you." She snickered.

"Just ignore her, Satsi." Eri huffed and stared ahead at the pyramid.

"Kinda hard to when she takes up a wide range of everyone's peripheral vision, ribbit." Satsuki said bluntly.

The girl stiffened as she heard that. "Did you just call me fat, Miss tadpole?"

"Just remember the plan." Eri whispered.

"Eri, you still haven't told me the plan." Satsuki stated.

But it was too late now. The buzzer went off, and the students immediately began dashing up the pyramid's sides.

Eri launched herself up and focused everything she had at the moment to avoiding everyone around her. Satsuki groaned and followed after her, able to keep up gracefully with her frog-like legs. The two had just a few steps left before they reached the top platform, but then the American girl suddenly appeared, out of thin air in front of Eri. Only she was in her underwear.

The two girls screeched in surprise as the girl laughed and swung her fist into Eri's chest. "Hah! If you had breasts like mine, that probably wouldn't have hurt as much."

Eri coughed but before she could fall back, Satsuki caught her with her tongue.

"WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?!" Eri sputtered and yelled.

"Can't teleport with them. But my underwear was specifically designed for my Quirk. Too many pervs out there." She shrugged. As she stood there, striking a pose or two for the hungry cameras, the scoreboard was counting up her points.

"Eri, she's going to win if we don't knock her off!" Satsuki said.

The silver-haired teen groaned and lunged toward the American. But she teleported away, instantly reappearing behind her.

Satsuki shot her tongue at the opponent, but she only dodged it, teleporting out of sight. Before she could retract her tongue in time, it slapped Eri's face.

"Eri!" She called.

Eri began to see double as she stumbled around. Despite this mess of a fight, both she and Satsuki were gaining points on the scoreboard.

But it was short-lived as the American girl teleported between them and swung her leg around, striking them both before teleporting away.

"Where is she?" Satsuki asked.

"Satsi... I don't feel so good..." Eri slurred.

"Eri?" Her friend asked.

The teleporting American girl appeared once again and punched Eri in the gut.

"That's enough!" Satsuki leapt at the girl fast enough to catch her just as she was teleporting away.

Both girls were teleported several feet into the air above the pyramid landing on top of the hovering scoreboard itself. As Satsuki realized where they were, she dropped to the ground as she realized her clothes were missing.

"Oops. Guess you don't have teleporting underwear." The American chuckled. "How embarrassing."

Before any cameras could follow, Satsuki hid herself behind the screen.

The American laughed. "You just gonna forfeit because you're afraid to show off?"

Meanwhile Eri was becoming increasingly dizzy as she struggled to maintain her balance on the pyramid top. Now several contestants were approaching her to fight.

She waited for the first boy to grab her with tentacles that sprouted from his mouth, but she somersaulted to the side and swung her leg, knocking him off his feet. She then attempted to jump on top of him but missed, her dizzying vision playing tricks on her. That's when he grabbed her again successfully and tossed her down the steps.

The last of her energy was spent as she blacked out cold hitting her head.

The buzzer went off again. The chaotic match was over.

Eri woke up in the UA infirmary. In the bed next to hers was Gomuhosu, who had the television on broadcasting the events of the last match on replay. She looked on in horror as Satsuki hid herself shamefully behind the scoreboard while the American girl laughed at her, before teleporting back down and taking out the tentacle boy and any other students. She was declared the winner for most time on the platform.

Her name was Katelyn Sparx.

"...What happened to Satsuki?" She asked weakly.

"She insisted that she wouldn't leave the scoreboard space until the cameras turned off for commercial break. From what Recovery Girl told me, she was given a blanket and ran to her dorm room." Gomuhosu answered.

"What happened to me?" Eri asked.

"From what I saw, Satsuki might have discovered a new extension of her Quirk. Poison tongue." He described. "She accidentally hit you trying to hit that American girl. And you started looking sick from that moment on. But how you were able to keep fighting was impressive, to say the least. If I'm not mistaken. I think that you got second place."

Eri sat up and hugged her knees. "Are you kidding? That was awful..."

As the television replayed the footage and various news anchors laughed about it, Eri's biggest insecurity came back to her mind: She can't be a hero with this kind of Quirk.

Kota and Katsuma ran in the room. "Eri!" They called to her in unison. "Are you alright?!"

She nodded. "Guys, you're both in the last match."

Katsuma sighed. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. Everybody loses now and then."

"We just wanted to see you before the match." Kota declared.

"Both she and Satsuki aren't taking their defeat well." Gomuhosu said. "But maybe you should focus on your match right now."


Kota put his hand on Katsuma's shoulder to stop him. "We need to go. I need to talk to you before the match."

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