Chapter 3

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Levs POV

As we walked down the road toward the town, I looked over to abby, she was looking straight ahead, but there were tears in her eyes, her eyes looked more sad than they had ever been before.

"Are you ok abby?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm ok." She sighed back.

"What's wrong? You can talk to me." I said.

"I'm just worried about you, about what would happen should you be alone and get into a situation you cant escape. Losing you is one of my biggest fears, and I wouldnt be able to look at myself again if I ever lost you." Abby sighed, wiping the trail of tears from her eyes.

"I'm scared of losing you too, you're one of the first people I've met in a long time who actually gives a shit about me, other than Dina and Ellie, and our other friends in the town, I cant bear the thought of losing you. I love you Abby." I said.

"I love you too, Lev." She said, grabbing my hand.

"We should keep moving, itll be dark soon." I said, backing out of her grasp.

"You're right, let's go." She said.

We eventually reached the west end gate of the town, and were greeted by Owen and Manny.

"Manny, Owen." Abby nodded firmly before hugging each of them.

"You brought the kid with you, I thought his people still disliked him for the whole shaving his head thing." Owen said.

"Oh haha." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Come on guys, will take you to your house, it's getting dark." Manny said, turning away.

"So, how long you guys been here?" Owen asked.

"A few hours, we got here this morning." Abby replied.

"You guys walk all the way here? Yall look exhausted." Owen said.

"No, we had a horse, but we got jumped by hunters a few days ago." I said.

"Well at least we made it, shitbird." Abby laughed.

"Whatever." I grunted, rolling my eyes.

"We're here." Owen said, as we walked around the corner to what used to be Ellies house when she and Dina lived in the the town.

I gasped, remembering the last time I was here, Abby had almost lost her life, but I didnt want to think about that.

"Thanks, Owen. You too, Manny." I said.

"Dont mention it. You two get some sleep, will see you in the morning." Manny replied.

"Sure will." Abby said, turning to put the key in the door.

As we walked in the door, I looked around at all the pictures and books we had from the last time we were here.

One picture in particular, a photo of me with JJ from the day he was born, my arms holding him like the most fragile thing on earth was in my power.

"Hey, you alright?" I heard Abby say. I jerked my head to look at her.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just...exhausted from our journey. Nothing a night of sleep wont fix." I laughed, setting the picture back on the desk.

"Ok, can sleep in the bed, I'll take the couch." Abby sighed, looking around with her hands on her waist.

"Ok." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling off my boots.

"Goodnight, kiddo." Abby said, putting her backpack and jacket on the back of the chair, and pulling her boots off.

"Goodnight." I say, pulling the blanket over me, and rolling over to face the window. Soon enough, I'm passed out.

Enemies To Allies: Ellie And Abbys StoryWhere stories live. Discover now