imagine 4

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you wake up next to your boyfriend kurtis and think 'wow. i'm the luckiest woman alive.'  but then you remember how last night you decided to bleach eachothers hair and he thought you fucked his up so he took your hair to wear as a wig bc his dumbass shaved his hair off. "kurtis, love, wakeup" his eyes flutter open and he looks at you. "AHHHHH" he screams. "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED WHATS GOING ON?????!!!!" "WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR HAIR?!?!" you slap him in the face "YOU TOOK IT ASSHAT" he looks at you, astonished. "oh i'm sorry y/n..." "yeah you bett-" "DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD HIT ME!!!" he takes a bat and hits you upside the head, you live but he dies because he actually accidentally hit himself in the head because he's a fucking idiot. you didn't go to his funeral because you are too busy dancing around your house that you live in now and not him.

you died 6 centuries later

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