imagine 24

42 3 0


ur sitting at table with ur partner and you wear pants, you guys r really hitting it off. everytime the waiter doesn't come u get angy. u finally had enough and stood up and rip yo skirt off and r wearing a body builder outfit and u yell "WHERE IS MY WAITER🤬🤬🔥🔥" and skinny green twink bean lookin ass boy kurtis comes up and he's quivering and shaking saying "wh-what can i g-get you?" u immediately sit down and ur dress is back on and before u can say anything, ur partner orders u a slad. u say "what the fuck did u just do that for do u think i need a slaad" then u jump across the table and eat is fucking face off, when ur done u sit down politleu and say "protein" kurtis looks in amazement. he says "that was so cool, let's run away and have kids together y/n." u giggle in a shout and run away with kurtis.

^10 years later^

you and kurtis now have 4 children together. chris phucker, bartholemtw, and sally and pearl. they're all as strong and good looking as you. some have kurtis eyes and face and u streabgh and some have kurtis weakness and ur face.

u don't die ur vampires.

ze end muahahahahaaaa

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