imagine 17

152 4 2


it's your and kurtis anniversary. you've been dating now for 5 years. no one understands how you could stand him for that long. this is the most used trope ever in fan fiction you read, but this isn't that, it's real like biatch, now back too it, you're the hottest girl in school and kurtis, well, hes kurtis. no one has bad feelings about him, but they don't have good ones either. no one knows how you guys started dating, when, or why. why is the most asked question by your friends. and everyone else, you could've had jake, but no one likes him, he's a jerkface McGee and you shouldn't like him either, he's a bully and we hate him. moving on, have fun on your 5 year anniversary ❤️

"heyy kurtis" you say walking up to him. "hello y/n" he says looking at you. "have anything planned for today?" you ask. "um yeah we're going to the park for a picnic, then we'll go shopping, then for dinner, we're going to this fancy ass place" "oh my god i'm so excited" "you better be" 😈😈.

you go to the picnic it's all fun you both get pictures for your instagrams, but you go on with the rest of your day, until it's dinner, you get to the restaurant and it's the fanciest shit you've ever seen, (just imagine the first thing you think of when u hear a fancy fuckin restaurant idk what to say) "k-oh-kurtis what is this place???" 😱😱 (<— you) "it's the best rated restaurant in the country" "boi ain't no way" "boi way" you get seated, you order, y'all are just having a jolly good time.


ROBBERS COME IN. and they start breaking shit and you don't know what to do so you just start singing robbers by the 1975 (rlly good song i love it a lot) and kurtis joins in so now y'all are just singing robbers to the robbers and the robbers start dancing and now they're having a jolly good time but then ANOTHER robber comes in and SNAPS THEM OUT OF THEIR TRANCE and they start robbing again, taking food, taking money, killing everyone in sight, you have no idea what to do, so you start robbing with them, kurtis joins you, -like always- you start punching people in the face, taking they're money, but THEN the police show up, there's one TWO police officers, and 69 (haha funnt sex number) robbers, so the police call for backup, as many as they can get, and only 16 officers come down, they're still defeated, so there's only one thing left to do. JOIN THE ROBBERS. so the cops going the robbers and start killing people with them, you and kurtis are using you're super strong powers to kill all these people just by punching them, and it's a disaster, you are so rich, everyone's dead, and there's nothing else to do but fly away with you're flying powers, and your 67 brand new credit and debit cards.

fast forward 6 years...

you and kurtis are happily married with your billions of dollars you still have, you never forgot that experience, but it'll be a story you tell your kids, and their kids, their kids, forever and ever, no one will ever forget, yet no one will believe until they're old enough to look it up and find out it's true and why you're so rich now. you keep in touch with the other 85 robbers there were that night. you have a group chat. you hang out with them in their big houses, no one is out to get you guys, because everyone knows, if one gets caught, their friends will kill whoever caught them. they're world famous, and they feel great.


THIS WAS THE LONGEST ONE IVE EVER WRITTEN OMG anyways i haven't updated in like 2 months almost BUT ITS BC I LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS. but yah enjoy 😈😈😃😃😭😭😰😰🤨🤨😍😍🥺🥺❤️❤️🥰🥰😱😱👍👍🤢🤢😘😘🤫🤫🎊🎊☹️☹️🥳🥳🤩🤩

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