imagine 16

180 7 9


you and kurtis are smoking da weed😂💪🍃 "this is so good😍" you say. "i know it is y/n" kurtis says. "shut up" you say while laughing. "you don't tell me that! you bitch!" kurtis says. he puts his fingies in your nose and take your brain out. you die. but then you cum back life and kurtis get scawed🥺🥺🥺 "surprise bitch, i bet you thought you've seen the last of me." you say "y-y-y-y-y/n?!?!" kurtis giggles in a shout bc he so scared😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 "balls" you say. then you die
the end <3

cody fern > you

kurtis conner imagines 😍😍Where stories live. Discover now