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Third person pov
Rainbow has 2 younger cousins. One is 5 and is a boy named thunderstorm and the other one is a 9 month old girl named lightningcloud. Rainbows aunt and uncle asked her if she could babysit them. Of coarse rainbow said yes and asked if Aj can babysit with her. Her aunt and uncle said that she can but no funny business. The next day they left a list of things and what to do and who to call, Aj came over 5 minutes after the parents left.

Aj knocks on the door. Rainbow opens it and sees Aj.

Aj: Howdy rainbow, how's it goin'
Rd: So far nothing bad come in
Aj walks in and sees the 2 kids playing gin the living room together.
Aj: Aw they are so cute
Rd: Heh they are, my aunt and uncle left a list of things to do for there night time routine
Aj: Alright that seems easy enough, whats the first thing on the list
Rd: Hmmm the first thing on the list is to eat dinner, it says there is some spaghetti and meatballs on the stove, and that they  have water in sippie cups next to it
Aj: Alright that seems easy, you can watch the kids and I will get the bowls
Rd: Alright

They went different ways. Rd was playing with the kids and Aj was almost done with the food. Aj finished setting everything up and went to get them for everything. Aj came back into the living room and saw rainbow playing with the kids. Lightning cloud knocked her down and Thunder storm jumped in her arms. They were all laughing and Aj loved seeing this, she felt heat on her cheeks and twirling in her stomach.

Aj: Hey guys wanna eat some dinner now
Thunderstorm: YEAH
Aj chuckled.
Aj: alright come on

Thunderstorm ran into her arms and Aj piked him up. Aj saw rainbow pick lightning cloud up and put her on her waist.

Aj: Alright let's go and eat
Thunderstorm: Yayyy

They went into the dining room and sat them down. Rainbow put lighting cloud in her high chair and strapped her in. Rainbow grabbed her food and started to feed her. Meanwhile Aj put thunderstorm in his chair and gave him his food. Aj decided to start a conversation with them.

Aj: So thunderstorm what do you like to do
Thunderstorm: I like to play soccer with dash and I like to play video games with dash and I like to play with dash
Aj laughed.
Aj: Looks like you love to spend time with her huh
Thunderstorm: I love to spend time with her she is the awesomest
Rd: Thanks bud so are you
Aj: So what games do you like to play
Thunderstorm: I love to play pirates and dragons, I also like to play with my Legos
Aj: Oooo that's sounds like fun
Thunderstorm: Yeah it is really fun and dash got me a new Lego set for my birthday and we finished building it today, it looks so awesome
Aj: Really that sounds like fun
Thunderstorm: It is and the best part was that I could add it to my pirate and dragon collection of Legos
Aj: Haha that is amazing

Thunderstorm and lightning dust finished 5 minutes later and they were both really messy.

Aj: Hey Rd
Rd: what's up
Aj: the next thing on that list wouldn't happen to be a bath is it
Rd: Um let me check, Yep it is
Aj: Ok you wanna get the bath running since you know where everything is
Rd: Sure I will get it going
Aj: Ok

Aj has a crush on rainbow and wanted to know more of what she was like with her cousins. So, she decided to ask thunderstorm some questions.

Aj: Hey do you have any nicknames I can call you
Thunder: Yep my family calls me thunder most of the time so you can call me it to
Aj: Heh thanks, so do you win in soccer with rainbow
Thunder: Yeah all the time she plays good but not good enough for me
Aj: Haha that is cool, what video games do you and rainbow play
Thunder: We play Mario Cart and we play Rayman a lot
Aj: Oooo sounds fun

Rainbow came back in the room.
Rd: Bath is ready now come on thunder
Thunder: Ok
Rd: I know you don't like baths to much but you have to take one
Thunder sadly: I knowwww
Rainbow chuckled.
Rainbow: you can always play in the bath you know and we can bring in your favorite bath toys if you want
Thunder: REALLY
Rainbow: Of coarse

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