chapter [24]

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Unlike the other days Jisung did wake up alone the next day with no Lee Minho there to help him get dressed. What did he expect though? He was used to walking up alone so why was he feeling a little bit down now?

He tried to shake the thought off and made his way to the kitchen as usual where Dahyun was currently cleaning up.
After Jisung and the others had dinner yesterday night he had went straight to bed so he had not seen her for almost a day.

"Good morning, sunshine." She greeted him and smiled her soft and happy grin when Jisung quietly answered.

"morning..." he said and grabbed himself some strawberry milk from the fridge. After yesterdays meal he didn't really have an appetite.

Dahyun asked him about his day yesterday and Jisung gave his best to tell what they had done and how the film was. It was nice talking to her with no pressure, while he helped her cleaning as best as he could.
Jisung might be free from work but he felt uneasy doing nothing so at least he tried.

After some time Dahyun took a look at her watch and seemed to remember something.

"Ah, Jisung. Yesterday the Lee family decided some things and I wanted to tell you but Young Master Minho wanted to talk to you personally. I'm supposed to send you to his room in 5 minutes, do you think you'll be fine?" Dahyun asked but the other nodded. He already used the elevator often enough so there should be no problems.

'What could be so important, that Minho would want to tell me personally?' Jisung wondered while pushing himself forward until he arrived at the older boy's room. The way there seemed so familiar, Jisung could've gone there eyes closed.

Carefully, he knocked and was instantly pulled into the room to the window front with one of the sofas.

He noticed a few suitcases in front of the dressing room and got curious. Was Minho going somewhere?
Unsurely he stared at the older who sat down in front of him at the sofa.

"I'm leaving for three months." Minho shortly said keeping his persistent stare on Jisung who didn't expect such a direct statement.

"I made a deal with my father and he send me to the United States for three months to improve my english. It's not that long but I wanted to tell you personally because it's good news that you don't have to work as my assistant for a time, isn't it?" He smiled but it somehow seemed sad.
If Jisung was supposed to be happy than why didn't he feel anything?

"You know because I didn't treat you very well and I'm still bad at it, you're better of working some other job here for a time." The older looked down at his hands and played with his fingers a bit.

"No..." Jisung said this without considering his words before. Of course the first few weeks with Minho had been hell but the last week he somehow changed... and Jisung did want to see more of that side of him.

"" Minho quietly repeated and slowly raised his head again so his eyes could meet Jisung's again.

"Does that mean you'd rather continue working for me?" his eyes seemed to light up all of a sudden making Jisung unsure what to say. Did he want to keep working for him?

"I dunno..." his confused voice sounded silent.

"That's a relieve." The older sighed and leaned back for a second.

"You know, when I come back I'll try to make a better start with you." he smiled and suddenly pulled Jisung from his wheelchair and next to him on the sofa.

"Do you think you can forgive past events and give me a second chance, Han Jisung?" he leaned in to the boy, almost lying half on top of him.
Jisung on the other hand didn't know what all of this was about. He already said he'd forgive him, didn't he? They were fine now... or not? Jisung was seriously confused.

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