chapter [32]

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The next day Jisung went over his usual routine of working and assisting Minho while playing his role perfectly in front of Lady Lee and her assistant and bodyguards. Luckily, Minho played his part in this too and didn't make it hard for Jisung even though the younger felt his stares in behind his back at all times.

At lunch the Lady had ordered the boy to bring Minho to her again which was quiet unusual regarding the fact that they ate alone most of the time. Apparently, it was the marriage being even further post poned to a day in three weeks.
This information surely felt painful to Jisung but he wouldn't admit it. This wasn't his business nor was he in any position to help Minho changing his future... of course he knew that the older disliked the idea of marrying but it seemed like his mother didn't care.

Quickly, Jisung led the young master to the room where he'd meet with his mother while not saying a word.

"What is this about?" Minho asked him giving of the impression that he already suspected something. After all the conversation he had with his mother yesterday didn't end well.

"They want to postpone your marriage even more..." Jisung barely managed to bring out before stopping in front of a door.

"What?! Huh, she really thinks she has the upper hand in this?" Minho spat and clenched his fists while the younger watched him with sad eyes.

"Jisung, after this I need to talk to you... in private." This was the last thing the older said before disappearing inside.

"Don't make your mother angry... please." Jisung silently said after him although he wasn't sure if the other actually heard him. Lady Lee was a devil and it was obvious, the more you try to go against her, the harder the consequences will be... and Jisung didn't want Minho to face those consequences.

Actually, since yesterday when Minho tried to kiss him during the movie Jisung had felt strangely drawn to him the whole time. He'd use excuses to go bring him something just to be able to be by Minho's side...
Jisung did want to kiss Minho... he at least wanted to try it but not with so many people around. However, he didn't know how to tell him that because of the awkwardness coming with it.

Just as Jisung was distracted from reality his phone began to ring.
Quickly he took it out of his pocket and scanned the number. It was unfamiliar to him...

"Hello?" He said unsurely but the answer from the other end came fast.

"Hello, this is Choi San, Manager of Hwang Hyunjin. You are Han Jisung right? A good friend of him."

Jisungs eyes lit up at that question when he remembered how they couldn't reach out to Hyunjin yesterday and haven't heard any excuses since...

"Yes, yes I am. Is there anything wrong with him?" he immediately replied.

"We actually dont know... Hyunjin hasn't replied to any calls or texts from the company since yesterday afternoon. He isn't at home, nor has he been seen in any public area. So we wondered if he might be with you?" The man called Choi San hopefully waited for Jisung's answer but the boy felt a little panic rising up.
Proceeding to explain the situation yesterday he started thinking where Hyunjin could have gone... his phone had to be either dead or broken because the texts and calls didn't even reach him and that was very untypical.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me. Please save this number and inform me as soon as there is news about his location. If he doesn't show up anywhere in the next 24 hours or leaves any sign of life I have to report him to the police as missing..."
The manager sounded sad and worry was clearly heard from his tone of speaking.
But to Jisung this sounded far worse than something you'd worry about... he had problems standing up so he sat down on the floor in some random hallway and tried concentrating on his breathing as he always did to calm down. Where would Hyunjin go? He had no reason to run away, did he?

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