chapter [30]

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Jisung felt a tap on his nose when he suddenly woke up from sleep before jumping up in panic.

"Wowow calm down, it's me." Minho stared up at him still in the bed when Jisung finally remembered why he was here in the first place.

"W- why did you touch my nose?!" the younger shrieked still startled and not moving.
Minho giggled at him while rolling off the bed to finally stand up too.

"Because it looked cute." he simply shrugged before heading over to his closet room.

Jisung could only stare after him as butterflies spread in his stomach. This whole time Minho had been hugging him... he never cuddled with anyone else but his adoptive family so this feeling was special... it had made him feel save and warm and it was the most beautiful thing that happened to him in a long time.

"Blue or White?" The olders quetioning voice made Jisung snap out of it as his eyes fell on the two shirts that Minho had brough out of the closet to show him.

"Uhm... blue?" Jisung hesitantly answered and without giving it a second thought took the blue one and disappeared inside the closet again.
Honestly, Jisung wouldn't have minded if Minho changed clothes here in his room though...

Later they made their way down to the winter garden on the backside of the mansion. It was about twice as big as Minho's room and all the walls and the ceiling were made of glass so the sun could shine through. Outside, Jisung could see the pool while inside a small round table with three seats was prepared under a beautiful pink magnolia tree.
Two seats were already taken by Lady Lee and Felix while almost all of the staff was standing around them to greet their young master.
Before Minho and Jisung went to their supposed spot the younger quickly reminded him of the rules.

"Don't make your mother suspicious of me, please." he whispered and Minho nodded with a shrug looking as if he didn't think it was a big matter but to Jisung it definitely was.

With a straight face he took his place next to his aunt before they started doing a greeting and went to leave the family chatting alone and having an afternoon snack later.
Jisung had 2 hours free after that to go to his therapy session so he left immediately.

Meanwhile Minho and Felix listened to their mother telling them about their fathers new achievements in their business after Minho assured them that everything had been fine in the US which was only half of the truth. Back there Minho had to attend a business school and all the people there sucked so he was by himself most of the time. Of course there had been both girls and boys trying to get closer to him or hook up but he just hadn't been in the mood for that when he was in the US.
Being swayed by memories for a second Minho didn't realize that his mother was talking to him.

"Minho..." Felix nudged his arm so he'd focus.

"Ah yeah, I am sorry. What's the matter?" he quickly straightened his posture and looked back at his mother with no expression. Only the face of her made him get pissed more every second but he didn't show any of this. It really was true... his mother must know that he had some kind of special feelings for Jisung and she also knew that he hated the idea of marriage. However, the assumption that she had him under control was terribly wrong.

"Son, I hope you are aware that your marriage will be in less than a month..." Lady Lee stated with her bitter sweet voice.

"Likewise..." Minho answered with the same energy while Felix started getting uncomfortable between those two. Minho and his mom had a lot in common like the way they could just stare at you to make you obey but Felix had always been more of the easy going, anger avoiding person so this situation stressed him out. Just as Minho he was scared of his mother in a way which is also why he hadn't told her about him and Changbin yet.

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