01 | pink bandaids.

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[ trigger warning; this story contains a lot of mentions of sucide, self harm, sucidal thoughts and attempts, blood and injuries, and more sensitive topics. please be careful. ]

kai laid in his dorm's bed, an unlit cigarette hanging from between his lips as he stared at his blank ceiling with tired eyes and an exhausted frown. to say he simply wanted the day to end was an understatement, especially since his entire body hurt due to his overuse of his quirk and his wrists were stained with drops of dried blood that he was too lazy to get up and wash.

his phone suddenly, yet quietly buzzed from beside him, making him blink dazedly before he glanced at the shattered screen, which was a result of kaminari accidentally knocking his phone off his desk once, before furrowing his eyebrows at the sight of the class's group chat blowing up. he grabbed it slowly, unlocking it with a click before he scanned through the texts.

with an eye roll, he locked his phone again once he realized that they were all useless texts, plugging it into his charger before he finally pushed himself off his bed, wincing at his aching bones as he stumbled to his closet, throwing a pair underwear, of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie on his bed before grabbing a towel and making his way to his bathroom.

a quiet yawn escaped his lips as he turned the hot water on, tiredly pushing his clothes off after he threw the unlit cigarette away. he almost tripped on his own feet as he stepped in, but quickly managed to balance himself, wincing at how hot the water was, yet making no move to change it as he left it to fall on his aching muscles, his eyes momentarily falling shut as he sighed softly.

he stepped out of the shower half an hour later, pulling the brush through his two-toned hair after he pulled his clothes on, yawning tiredly as he sleepily searched for his favorite pack of bandaids. he pulled a bunch of the pink-tinted ones after he found it, his eyes barely able to focus yet he carefully applied it to each of his cuts.

after about fifteen more minutes and two more to make sure they were all covered, he threw himself back on his bed, grabbing his then charged phone and his ear phones. he plugged them in, carefully pushing each bud into his pierced ears before he clicked on his favorite playlist, grabbing another cigarette after.

he did light that one up, his eyes briefly shutting as he took a deep breath, letting the smoke out after a few seconds. he always made sure to hide his cigarettes somewhere no one can reach after, even though he was well aware that everyone already knew he smoked anyways. it was an old habit of his, one he didn't really care enough to force himself to stop.

for some unknown reason, his practical entrance test suddenly came into his mind. he remembered how he saved a bunch of people from getting absolutely crushes by the robots, how he materialized a large baseball bat to defend himself while keeping his feet on a two small bubbles and he also remembered saving a blond, who immediately yelled something at him being a useless dumbass after and cussed him out, one who has now became his classmate.

at the thought of the explosion-quirked boy, kai's lips twitched down in slight sadness. he had somehow developed a stupid crush on the angry, yet attractive blond in the first few days of school, but unfortunately for him, bakugou seemed to hate him. of course bakugou hated everyone, but for someone who was unfortunately sucked under the curse of having feelings for the loud boy, his harsh insults and hateful glares seemed to hit him a little harder.

kai didn't really know why bakugou seemed to yell at him more than anyone, excluding midoriya, in their class anyways. kai was quiet and was told to always seem emotionless, so he was sure he never really talked, nevertheless insulted, the scowl-wearing blond enough for him to be giving him all the glares and insults.

kirishima, sero and kaminari always seemed to also grimace every time bakugou insulted kai, kirishima immediately apologizing for bakugou while kaminari muttered something about how he didn't understand how he was considered the dumb one. bakugou also always seemed angrier after, but strangely, he always seemed more angry at himself than at anyone else.

by then, kai was already used to the bakugou's constant and most used insults. he had a habit of calling the taller boy a useless waste of space, silent freak, stupid gay asshole and kai's absolute favorite, annoying bubble bitch. he also mixed them sometimes and even added 'ugly' and 'fucking dumb' to spice them up.

kai was pulled out of his thoughts when the elastic pulling his soaked hair snapped, making the boy wince. he was genuinely too tired to even reach over and replace it, so he didn't. he pulled his heavy blanket on his body instead, pushing his cigarette into the ashtray beside him after before clumsy tapping his phone's screen until the music turned off. he removed his earphones after, keeping his phone on the bed beside him as he yawned, reaching over to turn the lights off with burning eyes.

his eyes slowly drooped shut as he finally allowed himself to drift off to sleep, his body relaxing under the heavy, yet incredibly soft blanket. he was aware that most of the stuff his room were too pink for him, considering he did not even like the color and never wore anything related to it, but he didn't hate the color either.

he was grateful he didn't hate it, since it would be painful to dye the few natural pink strands in his hair black each time his hair grows longer, especially since it was incredibly thick and grew at a worrying speed, and it would be as equally painful to wear colored contacts over his hot pink eyes.

with one last quiet yawn, the bubblegum-quirked male slowly drifted off to sleep, well aware that he was probably going to end up in the common room two hours later with a panting body and a hot cup of coffee between his shaking fingers.

— 1036 words.
—— 02, 03, 2021.

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