02 | good luck.

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when kai returned from a small trip to get himself iced coffee on a normal saturday morning, he hadn't expected to find all his classmates frantically searching the common room with panicked faces, kaminari even making a pitiful sound, which kai assumed to be one people used to attract cats, with tears in his eyes as he looked around, before kai decided to protect himself from the colliding bodies in a thick bubble and calmly moving himself to the elevator.

he has planned to slump face-first in his room as soon as he entered, kicking his shoes lazily before he pulled the blanket on his body and fell asleep, but all his plans were abandoned as soon as he unlocked the door and found a tiny platinum blond-haired cat sitting in the middle of his bed, it's eyes widening once it landed on kai before it happily jumped off the bed, meowing as it rubbed against his feet.

with a quiet sigh and furrowed eyebrows, kai created another bubble, this time including the red-eyed cat that he lifted up as he made his way back to the elevator, one hand holding the unknown cat to his chest while the other held his cold drink, his face blank of any visible emotions while a pair of sunglasses covered his pink eyes.

once again passing by all the collided bodies, he finally arrived to where a disappointed aizawa stood, popping his bubble just a few steps away before clearing his throat timidly, attracting his teacher's attention. aizawa's eyes merely widened as he stared at the blond cat, before quickly glancing up at kai. "where did you find him?"

"on my bed." kai muttered, carefully placing it down. it immediately hissed, clawing at his sweatpants while he glanced back at aizawa, unfazed. at that point, he was too tired to wonder how that tiny, yet angry kitten form even got into his locked room. "i'm going back to my room."

"not so fast." aizawa raised an eyebrow, leaning on the wall behind him before clearing his throat loudly. "kai found bakugou!"

the ruckus was suddenly over in a matter of seconds as everyone crowded the blond kitten, who hissed, digging its claws into kai's legs. kai paused at his teacher's words, before piecing everything together easily as he frowned at aizawa. "quirk?"

"yeah." aizawa sighed tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "ten days."

kai nodded, glancing back down at the bakugou when he dug his claws deeper, hissing at uraraka and mina when they tried to pet him.

"can i go back to my room now?"

"unfortunately, you can't." aizawa hummed. kai noted he seemed to be amused despite his usual blank face and tired eyes. "the quirk makes him extremely clingy over someone. i talked to the mother of the girl who accidentally hit him, and she said she didn't know how it gets chosen, but it just is."

kai blinked. "which means?"

"which means you're stuck with bakugou until he gets back to his normal form." aizawa confirmed. as if on cue, bakugou meowed loudly as he stared up at kai, and kai carefully lifted him up, hearing bakugou purr in satisfaction. aizawa seemed even more amused as kai stared at bakugou blankly. "just a warning, he is also incredibly possessive."

kai tilted his head in slight confusion, trying to register the fact that the boy he maybe loved was now both clingy and possessive over him. "huh?"

aizawa's lips finally lifted into an amused smile as he reached over as if to pat kai's shoulder. before he could even touch kai's hoodie, bakugou was immediately hissing loudly at him, his claws out as he attempted to scratch aizawa's hand. it was silent for a few seconds, before sero, kaminari and kirishima bursted out laughing loudly.

"i would be grateful to be single if i were you." aizawa mused. it was a rare sight to see their teacher even smiling the slightest, and kai seemed more confused as to why he was even smiling when that meant one of his best students would be missing an entire week-worth of lessons, but didn't bother to question it. "having a significant other would be a pain in the ass if they can't touch you without getting scratched. so, kai, would you like to keep him?"

kai frowned, because while it was slightly exciting to have his crush stay with him, kai dreaded bakugou seeing anything he did or had in his room. "do i have a choice?"

"not really." aizawa deadpanned. "he would stick with you anyways and claw anyone who tries to take him away."

"oh." kai glanced down at bakugou, who was hissing loudly at kirishima. "will he continue to scratch me?"

"the mother told me he normally won't." aizawa reassured. "i'm assuming he just scratched you in your leg because he was both annoyed and somewhat scared. after all, suddenly turning into a small kitten and having everyone hover over you after losing you three times must be a little unsettling."

kai nodded. "okay."

aizawa must have sensed his hidden discomfort, because he immediately turned a little more serious, pulling kai away from everyone faster than bakugou could even try and scratch him. a few whined about bakugou's absence, but they all stopped with one glare from their teacher, who turned back to kai after. "are you okay?"

"i'm okay." kai confirmed, tossing his then empty cup into the trashcan behind him, using both hands to hold bakugou's tiny kitten figure properly, who immediately purred at the attention. aizawa narrowed his eyes in slight disbelieve, and kai sighed quietly. "i'm okay, i swear."

"if you seriously do not want to handle him, i can try to search for a solution." aizawa frowned deeply, prompting kai to shake his head lightly, both ignoring bakugou's whimper at aizawa's suggestion. aizawa stared at kai for a few more seconds, before sighing loudly. "fine, but tell me if you need a break from him or anything, okay?"

kai nodded curtly. "okay."

aizawa nodded back, before patting his hair where he was sure bakugou couldn't scratch him. "good luck, kid, you'll need it."

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