06 | hugs.

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— tw; mentions of self harm and drugs. please don't read if you may be triggered.

kai yawned as he unlocked his dorm room door, raising an eyebrow at a sleeping kitten that was barely visible inside the hoodie he had taken off before heading to his therapy session. he didn't understand how bakugo even got in on his bed, or why seemed more than simply comfortable, but he didn't question it as he quietly locked the door and grabbed the large black box on his desk, dragging it with him to his bed.

bakugo meowed softly at the lack of affection and kai only ignored him, getting the key in his necklace to unlock the box before a small smile graced his lips. bakugo watched as kai carefully began to roll a joint, his fingers moving professionally. it seemed like he had done it hundreds of times, and bakugo didn't even bother denying that claim as he curiously watched, worried yet amused.

that is, until his eyes fell over to the silver blade beside everything. he immediately stumbled out of kai's hoodie, poking his head in before grabbing the blade and walking away. he could feel kai's eyes on him and he went and spat it out in the trash, careful not to hurt himself, and when he jumped back on the bed, he found an amused kai. "nice try, like that's my only one."

bakugo only meowed in frustration, cuddling back into kai's hoodie. his sleep schedule had been ruined miserably since he started to stay with kai, but strangely, he couldn't find it in himself to care about it.

it was quiet for a few minutes, before bakugo heard a small, barely audible sniffle, prompting him to glance over at where kai was sitting, silent tears streaming down his face as his eyes squeezed shut. bakugo quickly climbed out of the hoodie and jumped on his lap, pressing his paws against kai's chest as he meowed loudly. kai only let out a muffled choked sob, before reaching over to wipe his tears away with the sleeves of his black hoodie.

"fucking hell," he whispered softly, pausing to take a deep breath before letting it out slowly after a few seconds. "thought i was fucking done with these memories, fuck."

bakugo meowed again, before pressing his head against kai's chest softly. he heard kai snort softly, a soft, shaky chuckle escaping his lips after. "is that supposed to be a hug?"

bakugo meowed in reply. kai let out another chuckle before carefully pressing his lips against bakugo's forehead, and the explosive boy had to admit he was glad he was a kitten so he didn't blush darkly as he would have done if he was a human. kai petted bakugo's head after, his lips lifting into a small smile as he took another breath. "thanks for the hug, kitten."

bakugo meowed in annoyance at the nickname, and that only seemed to amuse kai further as he let out a small chuckle, scratching bakugo's ears softly, hearing him purr in satisfaction as he laid gently on kai, closing his eyes.

"i'm glad you stopped scratching me, kitten." kai yawned softly, making sure not to move much as he grabbed his phone, unlocking it with a small sigh. bakugo paused his purring to meow quietly again at the name before continuing, forcing an eye open to glance at kai, who was texting someone. bakugo meowed again curiously, and kai hummed. "it's sero."

he meowed again.

"you do know sero and i are child hood friends, right?" kai snorted, sending his message with a click before opening his music app. bakugo blinked in surprise, and kai shook his head gently. "i won't be surprised if you don't even know my name, you have always called me bubble bitch, anyways."

bakugo let out a small meow in protest, huffing. kai ignored it, clicking on a playlist before he shut his phone and slid further into his bed, the joint staying between his lips. bakugo sworn that he wasn't in his kitten form, he would have removed the joint from kai's glossy lips pushed their lips together. why was kai's lips so glossy anyways? did he use lip gloss or just lip balm?

bakugo wanted to find out.

"thank you for letting me go to therapy, by the way." kai yawned softly. "i'm assuming you didn't want to let go of me, by how my hoodie has claw marks in the back, but seriously, thanks for not struggling as much, kitten."

bakugo meowed softly, barely audible, shutting his eyes. kai hummed, scratching his ears for a few seconds before he shut his now red eyes as well, taking a deep breath before humming again softly. "god, that one felt good."

the music kai was playing was slowed down and relaxing, but the lyrics were too dark for bakugo's taste. he was tempted to snatch kai's phone and play his own music, and he would have definitely done so if he could.

"i'm so tired." kai mumbled quietly once he had finished his joint, then frowned. "i normally would have smoked much more before falling asleep, what is wrong with me today?"

bakugo meowed sleepily in agreement.

"alright, kitten, let's get to sleep." kai hummed, turning the music and lights off. kai also muttered something about how he was grateful he had already brushed his teeth and showered before he headed to therapy, but bakugo didn't care much as he felt himself getting lifted before getting carefully tugged under the blanket perfectly. he purred softly when kai threw his arm around him, and kai's chest rumbled as he chuckled. "you're weirdly cuddly for bakugo, but this feels nice, so i'll allow it. good night, kitten."

bakugo meowed back, and for the first time in a while, kai slept with a small smile on his lips.

an hour before kai did, bakugo somehow forced himself to wake up, carefully escaping kai's heavenly arms to go back and search his desk. after the letters he had found the night before, bakugo only wanted to help the boy more.

was him snooping around kai's private stuff a good idea? no.

did he currently care? not really.

so, he used his little paw to stiffly move each letter just enough to find out the names, before freezing at a particular one written in a glittery pink pen instead of a black one.

' to: bakugo katsuki, from: bubble bitch. '

bakugo would have cried for hours if he could. but instead, he only stared at the letter for a few more seconds before pushing them all back in their place and heading back to kai's arms in an attempt to find the comfort he had definitely needed, deciding to search later.

[ a/n ]

sorry for not uploading as much i have so many finals but i promise ill try to upload more!! also this is unedited so... good look understanding tbh😭 also the next episode has less angst n it's honestly one of my favorites!!

thanks for reading!

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