04 | blackmail.

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kai quietly walked downstairs, an unusually timid kitten following behind him as they stepped into the kitchen. sero, who aizawa had put in charge of feeding bakugou, pushed bakugou's plate on the counter, raising an eyebrow at how uncomfortable kai seemed and how bakugou seemed to be more frustrated than usual as he snarled at sero, before he pushed his face into his plate. "you okay?"

it was silent between the two for a few seconds until kai realized that sero was addressing him. he gave him a quiet nod, reaching over to grab a granola bar while making sure his uniform's sleeve remained on top of his wrist. "yeah, you?"

"i'm fine." sero raised an eyebrow. he was used to kai being as quiet and emotionless as he was, but something seemed incredibly off. "what are you going to do with bakugou during class?"

"mr. aizawa told me to leave him in here." kai shrugged. sero hummed, about to ask about something else, when bakugou meowed loudly in protest to kai's words, his eyes wide as he hissed. kai tilted his head curiously, and bakugou seemed to huff, returning to his food.

"talk about confusing." sero snorted, glancing back to kai. "so, eijiro, denki and i are planning to grab something to drink after school, want to join us?"

bakugou hissed again, but both ignored him as kai sighed, running his hand through his jaw-length curls. "i don't know if i can."

sero raised an eyebrow. "homework?"

kai pursed his lips. "yeah."

"okay, whoever is not dressed yet should get dressed!" iida stated loudly. "those who are dressed, it is always good to get to class early."

kai sighed, turning around to leave, only to a loud meow to be heard before a weight was suddenly holding into his back, claws digging deeply into kai's skin prevent bakugou from falling as kai winced. "fucking hell."

"that is going to be a problem." sero snorted. kai saw him try to touch bakugou, only for the kitten to hiss loudly at him. "someone get mr. aizawa."

"can't you just shake him off?" mina deadpanned, poking her head between sero and kaminari. kai stared at her blankly, and she immediately giggled, ducking behind kaminari. "okay, sorry, that was my bad."

"i can get him." kirishima grinned, hardening his skin before he lifted bakugou up. bakugou only held into kai's uniform deeper, snarling at kirishima as kai huffed, feeling the back of his shirt yet stained with blood. how deep can a kitten dig its claws anyways?

"okay, that is failing." aizawa let out a tired sigh as kirishima continued trying to unhook bakugou's claws, approaching the crowded living room. "it seems that he really won't stop until he's secured with kai. i talked to nezu about this beforehand, and he told me he will allow both ideas that kai skips class or bakugou attends it with him."

"please let bakugou come!" kaminari pleaded. "it's going to be so fun."

"fine with me, but if bakugou disturbs the class more than thrice, both him and kai and remaining in kai's room for the next eight days." aizawa nodded towards kai, who nodded curtly back. with a quiet meow, bakugou finally let himself drop to the ground, pawing at kai's shoes. the pink-black haired boy lifted him up casually, grimacing as bakugou attempted to lick his face. "go to class."

two hours later kai sat in his class, a purring bakugou on his lap as kai ran his hand through his blond fur, using his other hand to scribble down notes in both their books. he had already read a few pages of bakugou's notes first to understand how he should write and organize them. the bell rang loudly to signal their lunch break, prompting kai to finally drop the pen and lean back with a quiet sigh.

kai wasn't even surprised when everyone crowded him within seconds, kaminari being the first to try and take bakugou, who only hissed at him, pushing himself into kai's abdomen deeper, making kaminari pout. "aw, man! why does he still hate everyone as a cat too?"

"i mean, he doesn't hate kai, kero." tsuyu pointed out, placing her finger on her chin in thought as bakugou jumped up to kai's desk, settling there.

"he doesn't hate kai as a human either." kirishima blurted out, before freezing when bakugou snarled at him and kai gave him a confused look. "nevermind!"

sero's eyes suddenly lit up, before he smirked, glancing down the blond kitten. "oh wait, bakugou is completely defenseless now for other than scratching, right?"

kai raised an eyebrow at his close friend, but nodded anyways. "i guess so. he also bites."

sero squated to be in bakugou's level, before carefully leaning over to whisper something kai couldn't catch. whatever it was, however, made bakugou hiss before he closed his eyes. sero grinned as he reached over and pet him, everyone, excluding kai, watching with wide eyes as bakugou hissed, yet didn't make any move to attack the black-haired boy.

"ahh, having blackmail is so much fun." sero smirked, finally pulling away and walking away without a word, a laughing kirishima following behind him, seeming to understand what sero had done. it took kaminari a few seconds before his eyes widened in realization, and midoriya let out a small snicker, tilting his head as he glanced at denki.

"did you just figure it out?"

"sero is a genius sometimes." kaminari giggled, following behind his friends. kai only blinked in confusion before glancing over at bakugou, who was painfully obvious trying to avoid eye contact with him. kai just frowned, assuming it was still about what had happened that morning as he unlocked his phone, deciding to leave bakugou be as everyone else tried to pet him, immediately getting scratched as momo seemed to try and create as many bandages as she can, seeming more amused than annoyed.

they only left once bakugou hissed at them and jumped at kai, digging his claws into kai's uniform. kai winced, carefully unhooking him before placing him back on the desk, grimacing at the sight of small drops of blood on his uniform, raising the question of how deep can bakugou actually dig his claws into kai's skin.

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