Chapter 8: Successor (All For One)

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"Right this way"

Giran opened the door to the new hideout for the League of Villains.  It was a bar similar to their first one but more secluded and with bigger space.

Midoriya walked through and took in his surroundings.  A few random thugs were playing poker in the center table while the Elite Vanguard Action Squad huddled in the corner.  A dimly lit chandelier cast an eerie shadow over the wooden floors. Kurogiri stood behind the bar and pulled out a glass for their new visitor.

"Can I get you a drink sir?"

He asked.  Midoriya shook his head and waved his hand. 

"No thanks.  I don't drink"

Kurogiri nodded and returned the glass the the cupboard.

"Hey Dabi who is that?"

Toga whispered.  After all these years, only she, Dabi, and Spinner remained of the Vanguard.  Even Shigaraki had been behind bars for awhile now.

"I'm not sure.  I just know the boss wanted to see him"

Dabi replied uninterested. 

"He's right there at the end of the hall Mr. Midoriya"

Giran pointed to the dark empty hallway with a smile.  In an instant Midoriya spun around and grabbed Giran by the throat lifting him up in the air with one arm. 


Midoriya hissed.  Giran nodded frantically, his smile was replace with a look of fear. 


Midoriya released his hand and Giran collapsed to the floor gasping for air. 

"Kurogiri, an Old Fashioned p-please"

He stuttered as he stumbled over to the bar and downed the glass that Kurogiri poured for him.  Midoriya continued down the hall until he came to a set of large oak double doors with exquisite brass handles.  He knocked and waited patiently for a response.

"Come in"

He heard an old raspy voice call out from the other side.  He was in a dimly lit den, the only source of light coming from the fireplace.  There was a suit of Samurai armor in the corner of the room and bookshelves lining the far wall.  In the middle of the room stood a very large mahogany desk. 

"Welcome Toshinori Midoriya"

All For One chuckled as he did the cliche slow dramatic chair turn.  Toshinori clenched his fists in anger.  He hated when people used his real name.  As far as he was concerned, Toshinori Midoriya was dead.  He had stayed hidden in the shadows of the criminal underworld, waiting for the right time to reveal himself to the world. 

"I don't go by that name anymore.  Call me Gravitron"

He replied through clenched teeth. 

"My apologies Mr. Gravitron"

All For One said as he rose to his feet.

"What did you call me here for"

Toshinori spat.

"Straight to the point I like that"

All For One laughed. 

"I am growing old.  The quirk that has halted my aging is starting to catch up with me and my time on this earth is limited.  I need to find a worthy successor to pass down this great power so that they can rebuild what All-Might took from me"

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