Chapter 11: Family Reunion

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"This is it. The broadcast came from this warehouse"

Kamanari said as he looked up from his phone.

"Let's kill this f******* bastard!"

Ashido yelled as she pushed her way to the front of the group. She decided to suit up for one last time to avenge the death of her husband.

"Easy there Mina"

Asui said grabbing Ashido with her tongue pulling her back.

"Be on your guard. Gravitron is the only person who could break through Kirishima's hardening. There's no telling just how powerful he really is"

Deku warned as they all crowded around the entrance to the warehouse. It looked dark and empty with no light coming through the windows.

"Ready? 3..2..1.."

Deku kicked the door open as everyone ran in behind him ready for a fight.

"Where is everybody?"

Kamanari asked looking around. The entire warehouse appeared to be deserted. They could see nothing but complete darkness.

"Welcome everybody"

An eerie voice broke through the silence. The group of heroes huddled together bracing for an attack.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Deku demanded.

The lights turned on one by one. Gravitron stood in the center of the warehouse. He had his mask on, but Deku could see his mischievous green eyes were sparkling with delight as if he was smiling behind the mask.

There's something about those eyes....

Midoriya thought to himself as he stepped forward with his fists raised.

"Be careful guys. Remember the pl-"


Ashido yelled as she ran forward alone to get her revenge.


Ochaco shouted and reached out to stop her but it was too late. Gravitron raised his hand and fired a blast of energy sending Ashido flying into the wall. Asui ran over to check on her as everyone else geared up to attack.


Tokoyami yelled as Dark Shadow rushed to attack. Gravitron opened his mouth and breathed a giant blast of fire engulfing the jet black hero in flames.

"Just how many quirks does this nutjob have?"

Jirou sputtered.

"Don't worry about it just take him out!"

Deku shouted and jumped into the air.


Gravitron jumped out of the way as Midoriya's foot completely tore up the ground where the villain previously stood. Kamanari pointed his finger attempting another electric blast but Gravitron dashed foward with lightning speed and grabbed Kamanari by the face lifting him up before tossing him away. Kamanari rolled back to his feet pointing his finger again.


Nothing happened. Not even a single spark. Kamanari looked down at his hand confused.


Again, nothing happened.


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