Chapter 4: Entrance Exam

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Toshinori Midoriya
UA Entrance Exam

The horn sounded and Toshinori quickly scanned the perimeter of the building. Only two guards patrolled the compound on ether side.

Piece of cake

Toshinori leapt off the building using his zero gravity to slow his decent. When he was directly above one of the fake villains, he released, landing right on top of the guard instantly taking him out. He ducked behind the corner as the other guard came around to investigate.  When he was in rage, Toshinori increased the gravity making the guard drop to his knees under the immense pressure.  He looked up to see Toshinori's foot flying directly at his face.  With a perfect flying side kick he knocked him out cold. 

While he may not have wanted to be a hero, he had trained his whole life in self defense and martial arts.  Fighting was the one thing he actually enjoyed about being a hero.

Toshinori snuck inside the building observing his surroundings.  He was in a generic office with lots of empty desks and cubicles.  He slowly and silently made his way through the building. 

"Did you guys check down here yet?"

He quickly ducked inside one of the cubicles as the patter of footsteps grew louder.

"No we haven't.  Scan the room"

He heard another voice shout.  From the sound of it, there were three, maybe four thugs in the room.  He slowly inched his way toward so he could get a glimpse of the room.  Sure enough there were four guys each armed with batons patrolling the area, and one was coming straight at him!  He quickly ducked back into cover waiting for the guard to approach him.  Patience was the name of the game when it came to stealth.  He heard the guards footsteps grow louder and louder until he saw a boot in the entrance to the cubicle.  With lightning speed he reached forward and grabbed the guard and pulled him into the cubicle.  He had one arm around his neck while the other hand pinched his nose and mouth.  After a few seconds the guard stopped struggling and Toshinori felt him go limp. 

He carefully lay the unconscious thug in the cubicle where he couldn't be seen before creeping out to look for the other guys.  There was one patrolling the far wall about a dozen feet in front of him.  Thankfully he was waking in the opposite direction and had his back turned.

Toshinori dashed toward him leaping off a desk and smashed the guards head against the wall instantly knocking him out.  The other two alerted to the commotion raised their batons and charged.

The first one took a wild swing at Toshinori's head which he easily ducked under.  He swept the guards leg knocking him to the ground.  The second one jumped into the air and attempted a two handed overhead slash.  Toshinori jumped out of the way as the baton struck the ground.  Seizing the moment, he delivered a nasty roundhouse kick that landed flush on the jaw sending the guard crumbling to the ground. 

The second guard had gotten recovered and whacked Toshinori on the back.  He was knocked down but rolled back up to his feet.  The guard swiped again but Toshinori dodged and grabbed his wrist.  He karate chopped his hand making him drop the baton then with lightning speed elbowed him directly in the nose.  The guard reeled back as Toshinori stepped through and tossed the guard over his shoulder, smashing him through the desk breaking it clean in half. 

The guard was still conscious, groaning in pain.  Toshinori bent down and picked up the baton and smashed the window.  The wind blew into the room sending a chill down his spine.  He bent down and picked the guard up by his collar and held him outside the building a hundred feet in the air. 

"Where is the hostage!"

He demanded. 

"I'm not telling you stupid heroes anything! You won't drop me"

He said smugly and held his arms out, taunting Toshinori to drop him. 

"I'm no hero"

He replied as he let go.  The guard let out an ear piercing scream as he plummeted towards the concrete.  At the last second Toshinori activated his quirk, making the guard float back up.  He was panting and dripping with sweat when Toshinori pulled him back inside. 

"Upstairs down the hall, make a right and it's the first door on your left"

The guard winced as he closed his eyes in fear.

"Thank you very much.  Now enjoy your nap"

Toshinori replied as he grabbed the back of the guards head and slammed it into his knee.  Following the guards directions, he made his way to the door where the hostage was presumably behind.  He kicked it open to find five guards standing in front of a woman tied to a chair with a piece of duct tape covering her mouth. 

He snapped his fingers and the guards instantly dropped their guns, unable to pick them back up due to the strength of the gravitational pull.  He then activated his quirk in reverse making the guards float up towards the ceiling.  He then calmly untied the hostage and jumped out the window, using his quirk to slow their descent.  As soon as they were safe on the ground he heard the horn sound again.

"Well done Midoriya.  Meet me at the entrance and I will lead you back to the waiting room"

Toshinori heard Iida say over the intercom.  A few minutes later he was back with the rest of the applicants.  The exam was actually kind of fun.  But then he remembered exactly what he was here for and his sour mood took hold again. 

"All right that's everybody"

Iida announced once the last student had finished.

"We have updated our system so you don't need to wait at home for your results like you had to back in my day"

Iida chuckled.

"Make your way over to the table with your last name and receive your scores.  Have a good day and I will see those of you who passed on the first day of school"

And with that, Iida left the room to tend to the students who were taking the normal entrance exam.  Toshinori sighed and walked over to the M table.

"Toshinori Midoriya"

He said to the lady working. 

"Just a second"

She replied as she typed his name into her computer.  She turned around and came back with a piece of paper.

"Congratulations Mr. Midoriya!"

She smiled and handed him the paper.  He looked at it to see a green check mark by his name and the words accepted. 


He sighed and shoved the paper in his back pocket as he left to go find Hakashi.  He found him outside slumped against a tree. 

"Hey Hakashi"

Toshinori greeted his friend as he took a seat next to him.

"Oh hey Toshi"

Hakashi said glancing up for a second before looking back down at the ground. 

"I didn't make it in"

He muttered as he kicked a rock.  Toshinori didn't know what to do.  The only reason he agreed to take this stupid exam was so he could go to school with his best friend.  He didn't think of what he would do if Hakashi didn't make it in with him.  But he did know one thing for sure.

There's no way in hell I'm going to that damn school

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