Chapter 26

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We finally made it home. I was so relieved that we had made it home safe and sound. My dad picked me up out of the truck and carried me bridal style into the house and very gently set me down on the couch. Very shortly after that, Calum came in and set my wheel chair down right next to the couch and locked the wheels, so that it was ready for me whenever I needed it.

"Hey daddy, when do I get my ice-cream?" I yelled since my dad was all the way in the kitchen

"I was just getting it now princess. How's the pain level?" he asked as he came in with my favorite ice cream of all time.

"I'm doing alright daddy. I mean I'm hurting just a little bit but I think I'll be ok once I have my ice cream"

"Alright Princess well here is your ice cream. Do you want me to put a movie on for you?"

"Thank you daddy! Ooo yes a movie! I would love that!!!"

"Alright, what would you like to watch?"

"Umm can you put on Beauty and the Beast for me please daddy?"

"Alright cutie pie you got it! Just relax, and if the pain gets to bad, either yell or use your phone to call me or Calum. He and I will be around the house just working on different things."

"Ok daddy. I love you."

"I love you too sweetie pie" my dad said as he laid a gentle kiss on my forehead and then walked off as the intro to beauty and the beast started playing.

"Shadow come here boy. Let's watch beauty and the beast together."

Shadow did not waste a beat and he immediately jumped up on the couch with me and laid himself over my stomach and I turned my attention back to the TV, and drifted off into sleep.

~Nightmare ~

"Oh sweet cheeks, come to daddy" the oh so familiar voice of Jacob sang as he slowly closed the door to my bedroom. No no... this couldn't be happening. Why was I back with here. Where is Mikey and my uncles.... my thoughts were going 100 miles an hour in my brain.. I couldn't understand why I was back here.
Suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts with a sharp sting to my cheek. I held my hand over the cheek that Jacob had just slapped and a tear slipped out.

"Oh come now sweet cheeks, you know better than to cry in front of daddy. You know daddy doesn't like it when his little baby cries. Jacob cooed in that sickly sweet voice of his as he got closer to me and wiped the tear off my cheek. I slapped his hand away from mine, and suddenly his demeanor changed, and it scared me. What did I just do... I thought as his whole face turned red. "You (insert fav cuss word)! You will regret that here in a minute! I am gonna teach you a lesson! I thought your parents taught you better manners than this! It looks like sweet cheeks needs an attitude adjustment, and an attitude adjustment she shall get!" He roared at me.

I had the good sense to be scared and as he started to approach me, I realized that I was paralyzed. I couldn't run... I couldn't get up and get away from this man and it scared the living daylights out of me.

Next thing I know, I'm slammed down on the bed with my wrists pinned down above my head and Jacob is jumping on top of me.

"No. No! Please please don't do this! Please! I promise I'll be good. I swear it." I pleaded with him.

"Yes sweet cheeks beg me. I love it!" Jacob said and he reached down and ripped my jeans off my body. And moved my legs apart getting them into the perfect position for him. I writhed my upper body trying to get out of his grasp, but that just made things worse.

He took both of my hands and roughly yanked my hands into one of his larger ones and roughly pulled them above my head. He then used his free hand and slapped my face several times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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