Chapter Nine

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East of the West Indies

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East of the West Indies. 

June the 19th, 1745.

Geline sat opposite Jack at his desk, both of them going over a list of supplies needed to make the journey to Shipwreck Island and beyond. They were expected to dock in Tortuga the following morning, and with the Pearl's goods nearly gone, the list seemed endless. But they heard thunder in the distance, and wondered if a storm would prevent them from docking in a timely manner. 

"You can find all this in Tortuga?" she asked. 

"Oh yes, and then some. We may have to trade a bit, but that's what I do best," he replied lazily. "Most of what we'll require will go towards our following journey after we stop at Shipwreck Island. It's a mere day's sail from Tortuga. Since I don't bloody well know where we're headed after that, we best be stocked to the gills. I don't want to make another stop." 

She nodded in agreement and set the ledgers aside, stretching away the ache in her muscles. She had been working on deck the entire day, having removed her bandage from her wrist a few days prior. There was greater mobility, and she was free to learn and do as she pleased with the rest of the crew. None of them minded having her around, especially Pintel and Ragetti who enjoyed watching over her. They had remembered their last voyage to Tortuga when they had weighed the anchor and had let Geline too close to the chain; they wouldn't make that same mistake again. 

Jack had become moody and focused on tasks since the news of his father's passing, which made Geline wonder if he wasn't grieving in his own way. He had sworn that the loss of the Teague patriarch meant nothing to him, and yet, his demeanor suggested otherwise. 

Evangeline fought between whether to simply stand by him or find a solution as he worked through his emotions surrounding the ordeal. Her mother would have listened to her father, silently taking the weight off her husband's shoulders, and never complaining. However, Jack wasn't saying much and focused on the journey rather than the emotions tied to it. She also knew that Jack was worried about the reaction of his crew once they heard the news that there would not be adventure around the corner, but rather, more personal errands. Jack stayed awake at night envisioning mutiny taking place aboard the Pearl, something he did not want to see happen again. 

Jack had, however, found solace in her touch. He held onto her at night, kissed her frequently, and held her hand often. Evangeline felt that her touch was comforting to him, and she found that although they both felt the weight of the expedition, they couldn't stay away from one another lately.

"What can I do to help?" she asked. 

"What with, darling?" he replied, still looking over his papers.

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