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The cracking of the fire sent shivers down my spine as I danced freely. At that moment it was just me and stars swaying away to the music that blared through the speakers. I had just enough to drink so that it was enjoyable but enough to quickly sober up if something bad were to happened. I always prepare for something bad to happen, it's a habit when your life is a series of unfortunate events.

Yesterday Luca showed me around the island and all of the places he considered "hidden gems" like the abandoned church on the cliffside and the Lighthouse he and Torryn escape to when they want to clear their mind. The island itself was beautiful and full of history and even more so when you get to see the places not many know of; Luca ended his tour at his favorite ice cream parlor where he told me his favorite ice cream was pistachio and that the only person to know that was Torryn. He proceeds to order Rocky road in fear that the cute girl behind the counter would judge him so I ordered Pistachio and took the look of disgust she shot my way like a champ. We swapped as soon as we exited the parlor after he thanked me a million times and told me he wishes he would have thought of that idea sooner; apparently Torryn was immune to feeling embarrassed and would gladly order his ice cream for him.

We ran into a friend of his while we were out who invited us to a bonfire they were having on the beach tonight which is how I ended up here barefoot on the beach with Luca keeping a close eye on me so I wouldn't get separated from the group.

"Hey! I didn't think you would be here." Tayla shouted grabbing my arm to stop my swaying.

"Luca brought me." I stumbled over my feet in the sand. "Thatcher is floating around here somewhere."

"I'll find him later let's go play beer pong!"

"I really shouldn't drink anymore I'll regret it in the morning."

"You're on vacation live a little."

Live a little. Three little words that will make me regret every decision I've made past this point.

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