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I knew I was over him when I wished on an eyelash and for the first time, my wish wasn't for him to love me back.

Don't get me wrong it didn't happen overnight. I spent six months trying to fill his spot with anyone who would show me attention. But no one could quite cut it.

He was my best friend, he was my favorite part of every day, for ten years. He was my sun and my moon and it just doesn't matter now. isn't it bizarre? You put your heart and soul into someone else's hands just to have it ripped away suddenly with no explanation. I just wish it didn't have to be him.

This is why I know now love doesn't exist. It may momentarily but eventually, life will catch up to you and show you that it doesn't. It will make you fall hopelessly and hard but let me warn you; You will fall in love but it will be nothing like the movies. He's not going to call you after the first date. He's not going to come to your window late at night. He's not going to kiss you passionately in the middle of a storm, and he's not going to wish he'd met you sooner. But he will forget to text you back and he will make up excuses not to be able to see you. He will forget your birthday at least once and meeting your parents isn't even an option. You'll be lucky if he even truly loves you back. I know I sound very pessimistic but I'm only being honest and yes I know not every guy is the same; I've heard the spiel about a million times. But a majority of them are and until I find someone to prove me otherwise my statement remains valid.

"You okay out here?" My best friend Thatcher asked stepping out onto our small balcony.

Thatcher Quinby is the best friend of all best friends. We met in the fifth grade during a fall festival and since then we've been inseparable. I feel like we were meant to be together; not in a romantic way but a twin flame kind of way when we met it was effortless and there was no hesitation that we were meant to be together it's like I feel a sense of ease when he's around. It might sound crazy but you would think the same if you knew us both.

Sometimes our relationship would confused people and they would often claim that we were dating and that was a huge problem because 1. We're just friends and 2. Thatch is a HUGE ladies' man he would have six girlfriends if it was socially acceptable but he could barely keep one, they didn't like the time he and I spent together. I wish I could say that we made a cliché pact to always put our friendship first and not let a relationship get in the way but we never had to we always naturally gravitated towards each other.

I got lucky when I met Wyatt he was never intimidated by Thatcher and I's relationship which is why I think it worked so well with him.

"No," I whispered wrapping the fuzzy lavender blanket that reminded me of home tighter around my body.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked sitting down next to me on the cold metal letting his feet dangle next to mine.

I waited to respond, just looking at the city outside. The city I fell in love with, the city we fell in love with together. The hustle and bustle of city nightlife could be heard on the street below But I did my best to ignore it and stared at the sky, trying to imagine the stars that would have been above us if it were not for light pollution.

"I thought moving here would be the best thing that happened to me, turns out it was the worst."

"Because of Wyatt?"

"If we would have just stayed in Brimwood everything would still be the same."

"Why would you want to stay in Brimwood? Everything you've ever wanted is here in New York."

He was right.

Brimwood Maine is what I'd like to call a Geographical Phenomenon, nobody comes and nobody goes. It's a small town on the water with a population of 2000, you will marry someone you went to high school with and you will most liking inherit the family business. If you're a woman you'll be a stay-at-home mom while your husband works the classic nine to five. When he gets home dinner will be served and then everyone is sent to bed to repeat the same day for the rest of their lives.

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