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I hate her so much.

I hate how I always gave 110% in our relationship and it was still never enough.

I hate how I could feel her lose interest in me, do you know how shitty that makes someone feel?

I hate how I'm so unsure of what I would do if I saw her again. Would I turn the other way? or would I stop in front of her and demand a reason for how horrible she treated me. What if I never see her again? Would I spend every moment of every day thinking about her or would I end up just forgetting about what we had and starting fresh with someone new?

As much as I hate her I hate myself more for allowing myself to love her

"Dude how are you still hung up on that girl." My best friend Luca said obstructing the view of my ex-girlfriend making out with her new boyfriend. He already knew the answer. He and I were completely different when it came to relationships. He preferred hookups and no strings attached while I craved the mussy hopeless romantic relationships. I want to find someone I can spend forever with building a bond that can't be broken. I often don't come across like that but how could I build a strong relationship if I let everyone in.

"I thought you went to grab another beer?" I asked looking down at his empty hands trying to find anything to end this conversation.

"I got us a spot at the beer pong table."He said pointing to the opposite side of the beach. "I got Tayla to get Kylee to play."b

"She's way out of your League dude?"

"Maybe but we both know you're the brains of this friendship."

I didn't bother objecting because I knew I was the brains in the friendship, not that Luca wasn't smart I was just the more rational one. He acted impulsively while I had to assess every possible outcome which I suppose that's why we make such a good pair. He keeps my life interesting and I keep us out of jail.

"There's no stopping you." We both laughed walking over to the keg that sat in the middle of the beach.

"Who knows maybe Kylee has another hot friend back on the mainland for you,"

"Na I'm good," I said throwing back the warm beer hoping it will drown out this conversation.

"Okay sour puss it's time to get over Lucy"

"I am over Lucy."

"Sure you are Romeo," He said rolling his eyes pulling me through the crowd, and over to the infamous Tayla McKay.

As soon as we made it over to the ping pong take I quickly took one of the shots that had been pre-poured knowing I'm going to need a lot of alcohol to deal with Tayla and whoever her friend was. It's not that I didn't like Tayla it's just that she's a lot to handle for one person, now that I think about it she's basically the male version of Luca and one of him is plenty enough.

"Torryn I'm glad you could make it" She squealed pulling me into a hug.

"Ky went to grab us another drink she'll be back shortly," Tayla said setting up the table. "So I'm thinking since you and I are the better beer pong players you can take Kylee and I'll take Luca to keep things fair."

I looked over at Luca to see his reaction considering the only reason he wanted to play was to be closer to Tayla's friend and he was already looking at me in panic.

"What if I wanted to be partners with Kylee?" He said trying to play it cool. "I think the underdogs could win."

"We both know if Torryn is on my team y'all would have no chance. That is unless you have another reason for wanting Kylee on your team." She said placing her hands on her hip with a smirk on her face.

"Besides to smoke you guys, Na I dont have one."

"Mhmm, sure" She squinted her eyes and him seeing through his plan. "I'm gonna go ahead and warn you she's not into one nightstands and will end your shit if you try."

"Who says I'm trying to hook up with her?"

"Why won't you be on my team?"

"Fine I'll be on your team but if they win I told you so," He said turning in back to look at me in annoyance. I'll give it to Tayla she always has a way to get her way.

"Come on let's start a game Ky will be here any second; look there she is now."

I looked around trying to find the mystery girl but nobody looked out of place, everyone remained in their own little world occupied with booze and their friends. That is until a small girl no taller than 5'3 pushed through the crowd carrying water bottles and two red solo cups. She looked agitated until she came face to face with Tayla and then a huge smile appeared on her face. She wore overalls and a white off-the-shoulder long sleeve shirt tucked inside with no shoes and I'm not sure what shocked me more; her beauty or the fact that she was wearing more clothes than all the girls here combined and still managed to outshine everyone.

She looked nothing like I remember from the day on the beach; she was cute but the closer she got the cute doesn't do her justice. She was captivating and I haven't even spoken a single word to her.

"Alright let's get this over with" Her angelic voice broke me from my train of thought. She handed Tayla the red solo cups and went to join me on the other side of the table before Tayla grabbed her forearm and jerked her back.

"Be nice," Tayla whispered through gritted teeth before lightly pushing her toward me. "Torryn this is Kylee"

"Hello," She smiled joining me at my side. "Fair warning Tayla can win this game blindfolded so we're probably going to lose."

"Then I guess this would be a good time to tell you I'm the DD so I can't drink," I said watching her missing our first turn.

After about fifteen minutes into the game, I managed to get two of their cups out while Tayla had all of ours out except for two. At this point, we should just forfeit and finish off our solo cups because Kylee is unbelievably drunk and can barely stand up; the death grip she had on the edge of the ping pong table is the only thing keeping her up right now.

"Drink up bitches" Tayla screams jumping up and down at her victory.

"I can't drink that"I looked over at Kylee and she's already looking at me in defeat.

"Good call." I laugh dumping the warm beer into the sand.

"I'm gonna go sit down" She slurred placing her hand on her chest to stop herself from throwing up. I watched her stumble across the sand and plop down into the sand not caring that it was in between two strangers who also looked like they had too much to drink.

"Yo Tayla went to the other side I'm gonna go grab her and then we should probably leave," Luca said looking exhausted.

"Okay, I'll stay out here with Kylee." I agreed pointed over at her sleeping figure.

"She's cute huh," He said elbowing me we a smug smile stretched across his face.

"Just go."

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