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The dreaded four-letter word can ruin any party in seconds.

Those four-letter words had everyone running around in every direction trying to find an escape; lucky for me Luca and I always have an escape route for when cops show up and this isn't the first time cops have shown up at this house.

I took off towards the far end of the beach that leads to the woods when I remembered why I was even on this side, Kylee.

I quickly made it through the crowd and towards the ocean to find her still passed out. Those assholes she was wedged in between just left her to get caught.

"Hey Kylee, "I said shaking her lightly. "Time to wake up." Her eyes opened slightly and she lifted her body off the sand before making an incoherent sound and slumping over.

"Kylee wake up," I shouted grabbing her head into between my hands to stop her from falling over; I moved her hair out of her face to get a better look at her and she is easily the most angelic being I've ever laid eyes on.

Her skin was perfect with little freckles scattered across her face that you would only notice if you looked hard enough I could have sat there all night just admiring her but I was luckily cut short when Luca placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Grab her let's go."He said grabbing Tayla who was also holding hands with a guy who was with Kylee that day on the beach.

"Time to go," I told her grabbing her arms pulling her up from the ground her leg started to buckle but she quickly latched onto me stopping herself from hitting the ground.

"I'm good" She mumbled steadying herself and pulling her arms out of my grasp. I would have loved to believe her but her eyes were still shut and she was swaying.

"That's great but we've got to go." I grabbed her forearm and started pulling her through the stampede; everything was so chaotic I could barely make it through the crowd.

Just as we made it to the edge of the property and cops had surrounded the place and had started to lining kids up against the water so they couldn't run to issue tickets.

"Where's Tayla?" Kylee asked pulling my attention from the crowd.

"She's with Luca and your other friend," I told her pulling her further into the woods.

During the chaos of everything, I ended up losing Luca but I knew he would be waiting for me three streets down from where I parked the car. About 3 years ago we attended our first party that got busted by the cop and if it wasn't for my father being a defense lawyer and best friends with every sheriff in town they didn't press charges and left us with a warning so from then on we made sure that at every party we had an escape route which usually consisted of parking the car a few blocks down the street and if the party got busted we would head for the woods and meet up three streets down closet to the car.

"How long are you visiting?" I asked annoyed with the sound of the leave crunching below us as we trudged through the forest.

"Few months" she said chuckling to herself before stumbling over a root making her latch onto my arm. "My feet hurt."

I instantly put two and two together and remember she was barefoot. Did she arrive barefoot or did she lose her shoes?
None the less I crouched down so she could hop on my back to relieve her pain and hopefully without having to drag her along so we can make it to the car faster.

"Are you always this grouchy"

"Who says I'm grouchy?" I asked looking over at her head that was resting on my shoulder.

"Nobody has to tell me, I haven't seen you smile since I've met you."

"You just meet me two hours ago" I started returning my attention back to the forest. "And being the DD for a bunch of drunk people isn't really something to smile about."

"When why did you come if you knew you weren't going to have a good time?"

That was a good point but I was having a fun night until seeing Lucy ruined it but she didn't need to know that.

"psst over here."A familiar whispered getting my attention immediately

"What was that!?"Kylee said tightening her grip around my neck while looking around for the mystery person.

"It's Luca calm down," I reassure her trying to walk faster to the street light so she could get a better look at her friend standing on the side road waving her heels in the air like a lunatic.

"Was she always barefoot?" Luca commented looking down at her dirty feet.

"Couldn't tell you" I shrugged setting her down on the pavement so she could rejoin her friends. "Let's go we have to work in the morning."

Two blocks down and thirty minutes later we made it to the car with only a scraped toe and a hangry redhead. We agreed to make a pit stop for food at the chuckwagon but only if they got into the backseat and stayed silent the entire care ride. They upheld their end of the agreement but only because as soon as Kylee got into the backseat she threw on one of my hoodies I had laying around and fell asleep against her other friend who was also asleep in seconds.

"Get me a cheeseburger and Kylee a fry," Tayla said squeezing herself in between the armrest to get a better look at the food board.

"Kylee's sleeping?"

"She needs to eat." She responded thumping me against the head before returning to her seat.

"Here," I said blindly holding the bag of takeout food waiting for Tayla to grab it. "Tayla,"

She didn't respond making me look back to see her slumped over onto Kylee.

"That's why I only order a drink" Luca smiled grabbing the brown bag from my hand.

"You're the DD next time," I grumbled pulling out of the fast-food parking lot and in the directions of Phoebe's house. I wish I could say my night would be over soon but we still have to get three drunk adults into a house as quietly as possible, what could go wrong.

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