the beginning

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I could hardly believe it.Highschool graduation was finally here. I was shocked I made it to 18, let alone graduation if I'm being honest. It only took countless sleepless nights studying for tests,missing the bus here and there,walking home in the pouring rain after school,crying over math homework,I mean seriously I'm not ever gonna need to calculate the diameter of a triangle or whatever the heck it is. I for sure will miss somethings about highschool tho.
      I'll miss my golf team,even though there were only like 3 of us,we were pretty good if I do say so myself. My teammates were my best friends,we did everything together. Lucas,along with myself,joined the golf team our 8th grade year. I hated him at first. He had a blonde flow,green eyes,and was about 6'0 with a lot of muscles.He was so rude to everyone except for Noelle,who we'll get to in a minute,but as I was saying he was a complete jerk. I would always be nice to him just to annoy him,I knew he hated it. He hated my guts,but I was amused by it. The taunting between him and I went on for a few months,until he finally gave it up after realizing I wasn't gonna leave him alone.
  Next is Noelle,or well I call her Ellie. Ellie and I have been inseparable ever since our parents introduced us to one another. Noelle had long brown wavy hair,bright blue eyes, kinda tan skin,but she was super short. Thankfully we both kinda took a win in the looks department. I had long brown hair with natural highlights,brown eyes,and I was about 5'5. We both had just an average body build. Noelle and I have basically been inseparable forever. She joined the golf team in 7th grade,and I would always mess with her by saying she was a loser for playing golf,but after I didn't make the volleyball team,I found myself being one of those golf losers. However those losers were the best. We all shared a love for my favorite thing in the entire world. Monster Energy Supercross. My love for supercross started when my parents first introduced me to it,so just for about ever. Ellie's parents and my parents had bought High Point before we were born,but Ellie doesn't love supercross as much as I do. I have two favorite racers. The long time love of my life Jason Anderson. Husqvarna 450 rider.Sadly he's a little too old for me,maybe in the future tho. Jett Lawrence however,is my age and basically the love of my life.It was love at first sight if you ask me. Emillia,Ellie,and Lucas all think my obsession is crazy,but I think it's perfectly normal. I'm always looking forward to him racing. He races a 250 for the Honda team,so I always get upset when it's the west coast turn to race. His brother Hunter isn't bad,but he's not Jett. Anyways,back to my friends.I have many "friends",but I'm not close with them like I am with Ellie and Lucas.I'm also close with my cousin Emillia. Emillia's family,Ellie's family,and my family always go on vacation together.
         Let's just say I would highly recommend going to the beach with your best friends,because you'll make some of the best memories there. Heck you may even end up with a boyfriend like Emillia. Her boyfriend's name is Bryson.She met him last vacation when we went to Daytona Beach,in Florida,and to her surprise he only lived 30 min away.We weren't originally gonna go to Daytona,but decided it made sense since Ellie and I scheduled a campus tour at the University of Florida  near the time we were planning on taking a vacation .Ellie and I both wanted out of our small town,Sunbury,and we both loved the beach so the University of Florida seemed like a perfect fit.It was gonna be hard leaving Lucas. He was going to UC Berkeley,which is on the complete opposite side of the country. This will be the farthest and longest we've ever been from each other.
  Graduation was on a friday this year so we really lucked out. There was already no school that day,which played in my favor considering all I wanted to do was sleep. I had stayed all night facetiming Emillia and Noelle planning on how I was going to walk to accept my diploma,practicing my class president speech,and planning what I was going to wear under my cap and gown. A quick 10 minute facetime turned into us staying up till 4 in the morning. Graduation didn't start until 6 this evening which gave me time to sleep.
     I woke up around 12 in the afternoon after setting an alarm so I wouldn't feel rushed. I walked downstairs,and to my surprise I see my parents standing there with balloons, Gator merch and a cake that says "Congratulations!" on it. I was overwhelmed with emotions considering I just woke up.
"We're so proud of you sweetheart!" exclaims my mom.
  "Way to go kiddo" my dad follows my mom.
I was filled with joy,"Wow thank you guys so much!"
  It was now 5 pm. One hour before I'm officially done with highschool. We drove to Noelles house because our family's were going to go to the graduation together. The seats were limited to only three tickets per student,so to make it fair I only brought my parents. Noelle brought her parents and brother Cruz. Cruz was about 2 years older than Ellie and I. He's always been into supercross,mainly the reason they wanted a part in buying Highpoint,but Ellie's family had also been super close with Justin Barcia's family so that's another reason why they decided on buying it.I loved going to Noelles house because if Cruz was there he would take us on his dirt bike and go through the woods,which i absolutely love. I used to have a huge thing for Cruz. Who wouldn't? He's 6'2,has dark brown wavy hair,a muscular build,the sweetest personality,a bit of a southern accent,which we have no clue where it came from but it's there, and he rides a dirt bike. I mean you couldn't ask for much more in a guy. My thing for him lasted quite a while,last summer my feelings for him were stronger than ever tho. It always felt wrong liking him especially because it was Ellie's brother,but she reassured me that it was okay and no matter what happened she'd always be there for me. Cruz and I hung out all summer.Let's just say that was one of the best summers of my life. He truly was perfect. He took me on late night drives,and would come to me after he finished his race,which made all the girls' heads turn cause like I said,what girl didn't want to be with Cruz? I was heartbroken when he had to go back to college.
"Can't you just stay home?" I tried pleading with him.
"Now babe you know that's not an option,but you also know how much I love you."
That was the first time someone had ever said those words to me.
Cruz and I ended up not lasting. He was across the country at Arizona State. We called it quits after barely talking to each other for weeks. I'm not gonna lie, we both cried a little but we both knew it was what needed to happen. We got to Noelle's house and picked up her,her parents,and Cruz. Of course Cruz made sure he was sitting beside me. We arrived at the school not too long after picking them up. I couldn't believe this was all actually happening.

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